Armenian Studies of the French Think-tanks and the Decision-making process




This article is devoted to the research of the Armenian issues in research activity of Franch think tanks. The article analyzes the interrelation between Armenian studies in the main foreign policy and international affairs think tanks in France and the decision-making process, and also the Armenian diaspora's influence on this process. The main part of researchers and experts dealing with the Armenian themes in the think tanks of France, is of Armenian descent, and first of all they are interested in the political issues of the country of their origin. Think tanks have different methods of bringing their intellectual product to the decision-makers. Think tanks can influence decision-makers through the public opinion, disseminating the results of their research and ideas through the media or through the publication of political journals. Speech of the researchers as experts during hearing in the Parliament is also one of the methods for an influence on politics. In the article particular attention is given to the quantitative analysis of the impact of the researchers and think tanks on the political process.


David Khachaturyan

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Department of Theory and History of International Relations


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