No 2 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 13
- URL:
Kazakhstan's Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe: An Assessment
Massive international comment and analysis was devoted to the Kazakhstan's Chairmanship in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). No previous candidate for this office received such treatment. Kazakhstan's agenda of aims and objectives included important issues. During the year several steps were taken towards implementing Kazakhstan's agenda.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):5-14

Ethnic Contradictions as a Dominant Paradigm of Conflictogenity in Central Africa
The article reveals interethnic conflicts in Africa as one of the main components of the modern political crises in the continent. The author examines the most striking instances of ethnic rivalry in the Democratic Republic of Congo rooting in the distant past. The tribes of Lendu, Khema, Khutu and Tutsy are taken as units for research. Ethnic discords are considered in the mutual connection with the lust for power and struggle for natural resources.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):15-22

The Problem of the United Nations Reforming in the Context of International Relations
In the article the author analyzes the reforming of the United Nations and its Security Council, the problems concerning globalization and consequences of the crisis. Particular attention is given to issues of international terrorism, poverty, natural calamities and transnational crime been raised in the Millennium Declaration. Considering the balance of force in the United Nations, the author points out African countries which actively participate in the process of the UN reforming.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):23-30

Islamic World: International and Internal Political Problems and Challenges
The article envisages principle international and internal political problems and challenges that are faced by the Islamic world in the context of contemporary world politics. Particular attention is being paid to specific internal processes within the Islamic world and countries included thereto. The article revises the experience of Iran and Turkey in modernization and reforming which are in turn considered as main strategic ways to overcome problems and challenges typical for the Islamic world including the international component.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):31-40

Effectiveness of Sanctions Regime towards Iran
The UN Security Council has adopted six Resolutions regarding the Iranian nuclear programme. Four of theses Resolutions impose sanctions on Iran with each next Resolution implying broader and tougher sanction measures. Though the scope of introduced sanctions cannot but to have a certain impact on the economic development of the country, Iran doesn't seem to succumb to the requirements of the international community in respect to its nuclear programme. May be it is a high time to develop a comprehensive and smart approach to deal with this issue.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):41-55

USA - Australian Relationship in the Cadre of the New Barak Obama Foreign Police Doctrine
Here's a comparative analysis of political and economic situation in the Asian-Pacific Region at the period of George W. Bush administration and the one, that has developed since the new President Barak Obama came to power. The paper looks deeply into the new context of the latest foreign policy regarding the Allies, neutral countries and opponents of the United States. The author seeks to show that the «new» U.S. policy has just minor adjustments. The article offers the future vision of the U.S. multilateral policy and it's impact on international order in the Pacific, particular it's influence on the closest U.S. ally in the region - Australia.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):56-65

The U.S. Perception and Policy towards SCO
USA politics towards SCO and perspectives of USA - SCO relationship development as two main actors on the international arena have been studied. The analysis is made on the basis of examination of reports, academic works and official documents of the United States.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):66-74

Strategic Partnership between Russia and China as a Factor of Global International Political and Economic Relations
The article investigates the current state of economic relations between Russia and China, identifies priorities and perspectives of development of political and economic cooperation. The main problems and contradictions in the economic relations between Russia and China are highlighted, the ways of diversification of Russian export and intensification of cross-border and regional partnership are determined.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):75-83

Finland Experience in Achieving the Model of Innovative Development and Capabilities of It's Application in Russia
Theoretic and practical analysis of formation and development of Finland model of innovative development is presented in article. Finland model has more than ten years history. According to the authors, rich Finland experience in the field, developing under the influence of an alliance of private business and the state, can represent scientific and practical interest for the Russian scientific and state heads.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):84-92

Historical Roots of the Problems in Relations between Russia andGermany
Russia has had close contacts with no one of the West European nations but Germans. Experience of this interaction is unique. Russia has always provoked contradictory feelings in Germans: from almost mystical adoration to full antagonism.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):93-99

The Australian Governments' Attitude to East Timor Problem in 1974-1996
In the article the author considers the reasons of East Timor problem, the factors which conditioned the Australian government attitude to the issue as well as the attitude of Indonesian government to this conflict resolution.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):100-106

Arabic Language in China and the Middle East Cooperation in 1980-2010
This article analyzes the role of Arabic language in the dialogue between PRC and Middle Eastern countries during the period from 1980s till present time. The influence of open door policy on Arabic language study in Chinese secondary and high schools is examined. Special attention is paid to the Arabic language use in Chinese and Arabic mass media cooperation and in creation of PRC's image in the Middle East.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):107-114

The authors
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2011;(2):115-117