No 4 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Middle East Security and Iranian Nuclear Program
The article analyzes the influence of the Iranian nuclear program on the geopolitical situation in the Middle East as well as on the relations between the West and Iran. The author examines the security level in the region at present and the probable future.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):5-18

Iran: Regionalization and Geopolitics
The article is dedicated to the analysis of Iranian involvement in the contemporary integration processes in Eurasia from the point of view of the estimation of the potential of the Islamic Republic as a model of state management under the conditions of globalization. The basic problems as well as restrictions connected with strengthening of Iranian geopolitical component in a context of security ensuring in a zone of Persian Gulf and regional cooperation development in status branches of economy are considered.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):19-28

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan: Mutual Relations Issues within the OIC Limits
In article the mutual relations of four most influential Muslim states within the limits of the Organization of the Islamic Conference are considered: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan. The author touches upon the basic regional problems and threats, concerning these countries. The author reveals the role of each of the considered states in formation of the OIC common policy.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):29-35

Comparative Analyses of the UAE and the IRI Investment Policy in African Countries
The article focuses on comparative analyses of the investment policy of the UAE and the IRI in African countries in a context of foreign policy activities. The author examines the main approaches and methods practiced by the OAE and the IRI investment bodies for achieving success in Africa in various spheres of economy. The special attention is given to cluster principle of diversification strategy, which ensured the transformation of the OAE from a weakly developed country fully dependent on the export of oil into a state with a diversified economy.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):36-49

The United Nations Peacekeeping Current Challenges
The article focuses on the problem of strengthening structures, potential and resources of the United Nations Secretariat forces, realizing peacekeeping activities of the Organization. The special attention is given to the «Brakhimi Group» as well as to the activities of the United Nations Security Council in the context of the search for effective peacekeeping activity of the Organization.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):50-58

Present Foreign Policy of Lithuania
Article is devoted to various aspects of Lithuanian foreign policy after parliamentary 2008 and presidential 2009 elections, in particular relations of Lithuania with Russia and the European Union. The main attention is paid to the interdependence of Lithuanian internal and foreign policy.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):64-71

African Development Bank and Guinea-Bissau
The article is focused on the analysis of African Development Bank activities in one of the poorest African countries Guinea-Bissau. Two main programs of the Bank in the country from the point of dynamics and format are considered.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):72-76

Integrative Tendencies in Realization of Priority Dimensions of Cooperation among Higher Schools in Russia and the European Countries
The articles focuses on historical and comparative analysis of the integrative tendencies in the pedagogical systems of Long Life Learning education from the point of realization of the basic dimensions of cooperation among higher schools of Russia and the countries of Europe.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):77-83

Postgraduate Education in Russia and Germany: Drawing Together
The paper is concentrated on the study and understanding German and Russian reforms and initiatives at the Doctoral level. The primary focus of this publication is the international joint supervision of doctoral students. It is aimed at the solution of critically important issues like provision of the most effective mechanism of the doctoral researches supervision, overcoming different formal requirements to thesis preparation and defense while securing the best HEIs traditions in training the third level specialists.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):84-101

Modernization of Postgraduate Educational Programs for Mathematical and Natural Sciences Using ECTS
The article characterizes the projects of postgraduate educational programs for mathematical and natural sciences, created in the frame of transformation of postgraduate education in the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia according to ECTS.
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):102-109

The authors
Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2010;(4):110-111