No 1 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 10
- URL:
This article is devoted to changes of social activity of the person in a context of shifting an educational paradigm in modern Russia on a background of active introduction during a daily life of the computer equipment and information technologies, including various formats of «social networks» in the Internet. These changes conduct to formation of «network society».
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2008;(1):5-11
Influence of globalization on creation of the information society in Russia
Legal problems of influence of globalization on creation of the information society in Russia, and also the basic directions of development of the international cooperation in the given area to use information and telecommunicational technologies for development of some new forms and methods of training and for improving quality of education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2008;(1):20-26
Information communicational technologies as means to increase professional skill of special disciplines teachers
Modern realities dictate a need of introduction ICT for teaching and educational process that entails necessity of forming of ICT-COMPETENCE of teachers, which is their professional characteristic, a component of their pedagogical skill. With introduction of new ICT, a modern teacher receives powerful stimulus for his own professional, creative development and therefore improves quality of education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2008;(1):27-33
Place and opportunities of small means of information technologies in secondary school
Further development of a methodical science in many respects they connect with application of modern means of information technologies. Small means of information technologies of educational purpose are scientific and graphic calculators. They have found wide application in practice of training all over the world. To introduce them in domestic system of training it is necessary to keep all the best of the domestic system of training and to arm the teachers and the pupils with new technology, to give the teacher a new technique which will allow to raise quality and a learning efficiency. Use of the calculator in computer science practice will allow to look in another way on small means of information technologies and on the very technologies in general. The calculator, in certain extent can be organically included into each lines of computer science. In a modern school course of computer science the graphic calculator can and should be used alongside with a computer, and to some extent to substitute it at lessons of computer science at schools which are short of computers.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2008;(1):40-46
Information model of competition in the market of educational services
The work briefly describes the basic aspects of use of the theory of the dim sets at work with qualitative concepts. The mathematical model of competition of the higher school in the market of educational services is developed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2008;(1):60-64