Vol 24, No 3 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/engineering-researches/issue/view/1711
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8143-2023-24-3
Full Issue
Detection of unmanned aerial vehicle trajectory using overlapping images
Currently, unmanned aerial vehicles are widely used with navigation based on data from onboard integrated systems including inertial and satellite sensors. In this case, to solve many target tasks, their preliminary exit to a given point of the flight route along the shortest horizontal trajectory is provided. However, in practice, there may be situations when the information received from navigation satellites may no longer be available, which leads to a decrease in navigation accuracy. Considered a technique for detecting the trajectory of unmanned aerial vehicles under conditions of loss of signals from navigation satellites using the underlying surface images. As a criterion indicating the occurrence of deviations of unmanned aerial vehicles from a specified trajectory, it is proposed to use the change in parallaxes of adjacent pairs of images. Analytical relations describing the functional relationship between changes in image parallaxes and parameters of linear and angular deviations of unmanned aerial vehicles from a specified trajectory. All possible options of these deviations are also considered. The obtained results provide an a priori estimate of the threshold value of parallax changes corresponding to the acceptable level of unmanned aerial vehicles deviations from the specified trajectory by means of modelling. Based on this estimate, it is possible to improve the accuracy of trajectory detection of unmanned aerial vehicles under conditions of loss of signals from navigation satellites.

Information flows research in trunked radio network for aircraft ground handling operations
The information flows of communication systems during aircraft ground handling operations at one of the largest airports in the Russian Federation are studied to determine the minimum sufficient resource of the radio communication system as one of the communication channels. The technological schedule of aircraft maintenance is given and its example shows the complexity and parallelism of aircraft maintenance processes. Also on the basis of the technological maintenance schedule the list of necessary communication resources with description of specific works of each group and their expected load is developed. Three stages of research for modernization of communications are described. At the first stage, the available and necessary conditions for the functioning of communication systems under conditions of frequency resource shortage are established and the communication technology to be implemented is determined (in this case it referred to the construction of DMR Tier III radio network). At the second stage, statistics on the use of the radio network is accumulated, specific tasks, the work of groups, and their radio exchange is analyzed. At the third stage, based on the data obtained earlier, a conclusion is made about certain weaknesses of the system, recommendations are developed for its modification to reduce the number of customer service failures and improve the efficiency of aircraft ground handling operations, as well as for the work of emergency and security services. The study showed several key indicators, namely: the availability of communication channels, the number of communication channels to fulfil the technological service schedule, retention of the communication channel, and strict adherence to negotiation regulations.

Efficient control of the direction of thrust during highspeed maneuver in the plane
The controlled motion of an inertial object during a high-speed maneuver in a vertical plane is investigated. The generated thrust is limited in magnitude, the control is the angle that sets its direction, the initial velocity is generally non-zero, and external forces are not considered. The goal is to maximize the horizontal velocity projection at a given final moment of time with the simultaneous fulfillment of two terminal conditions: bringing the object to a given height and damping the vertical velocity projection. Similar tasks often arise when controlling mechanical objects with modulo-limited thrust. The research is relevant, as it is aimed at ensuring both the efficiency of the desired algorithm and the simplicity of its calculation and implementation. In this case, the methods of the mathematical theory of optimal control are used. As a result, a solvability condition for the problem posed is obtained, which is related to the minimum possible time of motion in the dual timeoptimal control problem. In the law of optimal control, based on the so-called law of fractional linear tangent, an analytical relationship between two integration constants is found, which makes it possible to reduce the procedure for determining these constants to the numerical solution of only one transcendental equation. An appropriate comparative analysis of the trajectories was carried out and conclusions were drawn that one of the proposed suboptimal strategies is more effective.

Automation of contractors’ selection applying artificial neural networks to increase quality and technological security
The research considers problems of labour-intensiveness estimation, determination of technological feasibility of manufacturing, quality assurance, optimisation of technological processes, formation of knowledge base, machine learning and automatic processing of incoming enquiries at machine-building enterprises. The research raises the problem of quality assurance when performing a state order and offers solutions to eliminate the possibility of subjective estimates and directive pricing at contracting, in order to avoid making knowingly unrealizable commitments. The author considers established practice of processing incoming orders at machinebuilding enterprises, identifies problems, analyses their impact on the technological safety of the machine-building industry. A review of current Russian and foreign research on the topic and proposed solutions in the application of semantic analysis tools, multi-agent systems and artificial neural networks in the work of machine-building enterprises is given.

Comparison analysis of AIbased smartphone applications for selfexamination of skin cancer risk
A comparative analysis of 3 AI-based smartphone applications for self-service skin cancer risk assessment: ProRodinki, Skinive and Skin Vision. Analysis consists of description of applications and its ways of work, and results, such as sensitivity and specificity, done on the base of the practical experiment conducted with processing 516 images of the skin neoplasms and pathologies confirmed by histological research via each app. Every application is unique and differs from each other by its principles or work, algorithms, user experience and design, and of course AI model and the set of input data that is analyzed by neural networks. Current research and practical experiment were made with focus on images processing and the app risk assessment for each of the image, other details and mole prescription information were set neutral. This leads to a conclusion that there is a lack of methodology for testing and analysis of different AI-based applications and services. Having such methodology, the comparison analysis results can be more objective and transparent.

Methods for reducing nonmetallic inclusions in coatings applied by laser surfacing
The results of experimental studies based on the analysis of deposited coatings and processing methods aimed at reducing the number of non-metallic inclusions in the process of laser powder cladding are presented. The main purpose of the experiments was to determine the effectiveness of various methods for reducing non-metallic inclusions in deposited coatings. The source of such defects are often oxides and slag on the treated surface, as well as granules of powder material used for applying wear-resistant coatings. Corrosion-resistant heat-resistant steel of the 08X18N10T grade (analog AISI 321) was used as the substrate material, from which samples with dimensions of 100x100x8 mm were made. Cladding was performed using a metallic powder 08Kh17N8S6G (analog of the TSN-6L electrode) with a fractional composition of 63-125 microns, having a spherical particle shape and having good fluidity. Experimental laser cladding was carried out on a laser robotic complex based on an ytterbium fiber laser. Evaluation of nonmetallic inclusions was carried out by metallographic analysis on etched cross-sections of the resulting deposited coatings, as well as by RAMAN spectroscopy. The qualitative dependence of the content of defects, such as gas pores, in the layer of the deposited coating on the crystallization of the melt bath formed during laser powder cladding has been established.

Application of experimental data based on Taguchi approach to optimize machining parameters of Al6061T6 to reduce cutting forces and moments
The requirements for the quality and accuracy of manufactured products are constantly increasing. Reliability, durability, and accuracy of machine operation largely depend on the quality of surface treatment. Study on the cutting process, in particular milling, makes it possible to find out the operating conditions of the cutting tool, determine the acting cutting forces, torques, vibrations and temperatures on it. Along with studying the influence of various parameters on the milling process, it is necessary to pay special attention to establishing the nature and degree of influence of the cutting condition (cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate). In this paper milling operation of Al6061-T6 was performed in a dry condition. The effects of cutting parameters on cutting forces and moments in different directions and around various axes were studied. By applying Taguchi technique and performing experiments, it was shown that cutting force was significantly affected by feed rate followed by rotational speed and cutting depth. Cutting moment is mainly influenced by feed rate, cutting depth, and rotational speed. Moreover, feed rate is the most effective factor on minimizing cutting forces and moments. Finally, the optimum cutting parameters was revealed to get a minimum cutting forces and moments.