No 1 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Information-analytic characteristic of the ecological situation in the Smolensk region
Smolensk region belongs to the regions, where the natural complex retains the satisfactory state, and the menace of the natural ecosystems loss is not high. Politics of the Administration of the Smolensk region in the field of the environment protection and the rational nature management is directed to the environment stabilization and the defense of the health of the citizens that live that region. Administration of the Smolensk region organizes and realizes environmental actions and spends on these needs more than 20 mln of roubles annually. These funds are incoming from the payments for the negative influence on the environment and the administrative fines, imposed on the natural and the juridical persons for the environment regulations violation. The result of the job is the reduction of the man-caused load of the existent ecosystem.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):5-9

Sustainable Development Ratio in assessment of the State Environmental Security of the Republic of Panama, Russian Federation and the United States
The state ecological safety assessment is an important tool in the transition to sustainable development. This article describes the method of calculating the rate of sustainable development and assessment of the level of the state environmental safety and sustainable development.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):10-16

Researches of structure and the form of the virus of the flu of type and stamm H5 and H7 - the bird's flu
Weights of components of a virus of a flu of type And, stamm H5 and H7 were determined. Parities between weights of a virus of a flu of type And, stamm H5 and H7 concerning weight virion. Two forms of a virus of a flu of type And - spherical and as long cylinders are revealed. Volumes for both forms of a virus of a flu of type And, distinguished in 14.4 times are determined. Density for both forms of a virus of a flu of type And, distinguished in 14.4 times are determined.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):17-20

The application of soil properties measures in ecological-economic estimation of forest soils (by example of clear cuttings down and wind throw in Tverskaya region)
The ecological-economic assessment of the two sites of clear cuttings down of 3 years and 25 years age and a site of catastrophic wind throw of 17 years is lead. Obtained data have been used for calculation of a index of ecological quality (PEQ) which size has allowed to correct cadastral cost of the ground areas. Decrease from 3% to «сutting down 25-years» up to 12% «young cutting down» was noted. The maximal decrease (19%) corresponds to a site «wind throw».
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):24-31

Ways of irrigation and fertilizing ecologization
All the environment factors are exposed to the oscillation. That oscillation leads to the phytocenosis and agroecosystems' microcatastrophes. It is advised to create agroecosystems, that provide sufficient stability of the phytocenosis to the stressful situations and that confines it by the time and by the amplitude. First goal is achieved by the correct selection of the herbage and the rotation of crops. Second - by the irrigation procedure and fertilization system optimization. And, of course, by the methods and techniques of their realization. It is advised to obey the rule of the man-made factor dose compliance to the agroecosystem's adaptive potential. Complex valuation of the irrigation systems and sprinkling machines conception was proposed. New conception of the sprinkling devices design was developed. Firm and simple sprinkling machines were manufactured and tested. These machines make anti-erosive sprinkling ecologically safe. Struggling against salinity of the lands, being irrigated, methodic was proposed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):32-41

Influence of recreational use on quality of water
Recreational water use on water objects gets the increasing scales that affects ecological condition of their aquatic and territorial complexes. In the article the differentiated approach to an estimation of loading of pollution on water object is offered at its recreational use.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):42-50

Estimation of distribution of karstic processes within the limits of South-Tatar arch
In southern areas of republic Tatarstan karstic processes form geoecological conditions of territory. Karstic processes concern to a class of dangerous processes. They change landscapes. Development of karstic processes can cause deformations of constructions, failures of buildings, greater inflows of water to underground developments and foundation ditches. In the given work typification of the geological environment has been lead and the estimation of intensity of distribution of karstic processes in the studied territory is made.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):51-59

The metrological base of ecological systems measurements
In the article is shown that subject of ecological metrology are the complex control of ecological territory condition and the choice of most informative criterions of ecosystems estimation of its biotic, medical-demographic and ecology-hygienic components, at strict demand observance of fundamental (scientific) metrology.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):60-68

Peculiarities of bioaccumulation of radionuclide in the tissues of bank voles from natural populations in the central Russian plain
Content and bioaccumulation of some radionuclide in the tissues of bank voles from natural populations were investigated. Research was made in different types of forest ecosystems in the central Russian Plain (Central Forest National Nature Biosphere Reserve, Tver region).
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):75-80

Tentative estimation of possibilities of use of polymeric composite materials for increase of reliability of storage and the burial place of the radioactive waste
In article are considered fisic-mechanical properties of a composite material «Sintegran», their comparative analysis with the traditional materials used in mechanical engineering and other branches of a national economy is given. Considering escalating requirement for increase in container park and transport container at the reference from the Russian Open Society and with a view of metal consumption decrease, recommendations about application of a composite for manufacturing of containers are made. Results of studying of technological decisions in the field of composite processing Sintegran in products of different function have allowed to create pre-production models of essentially new class of materials - pekogranits. The description of manufacturing techniques of the container for storage and transportation ТРО on their basis is resulted.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):81-96

The activity of nucleolarn organizer regions of chromosomes with the of antropometrics indices
The connection of nucleolar organizer regions of chromosomes activity with the erythrocytes diaphragms albumens synthesis of Kursk region citizens was investigated, the transcription activity nucleus organizing regions (NOR) chromosomes was carried out using the Ag-method (Howell, 1975).
The reliable distinctions of antropometrics indices between three quantitative different 10AgNOR groups were demonstraited that is perfectly accounted for different prolipheration intensity of these groups having the most intensive albumens synthesis. Tendency to men's body weight and body weight index, weist and hips stretch, waist to hips ratio and shoulder width increase and women's height, body weight and body weight index, hips stretch and leg's length increase due to 10AgNOR quantity increase was found. The correlation of antropometrics indices to active 10AgNOR quantity was demonstraited.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):97-104

Patomorphological lungs and blood investigation of experimental animals by complex effect of dust annealing and sulphorous anhydride
High concentrations of polymetallic dust under annealing lead-containing ores have toxic impact on respiration system of the workers. Patomorphological moderate changes in organs and blood have been found experimentally. It has in licafed the complex effect of metals containing polymetallic dust with sulphuric anhydride.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):105-115

Influence of the extreme conditions of the mountain climate on adapting the person
Work contains the results of the studies on Altai. They are considered адаптационные processes, running in organism of the sound people in condition of the mountain climate. Studied bioclimatic particularities of the region of the studies.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):116-120

The information structure and the algorithms of the computer system «Nutrition for health and longevity»
The work examines the algorithms and the information structure of the computer systems «Nutrition for health and longevity» aimed for help the dietician doctors and everybody interested in the problem of the healthy diet to objectively analyze one's own ration quality (the extent of its correspondence to the official regulations) and to solve the problem of its optimization considering the individual features of the constitution, the way of life, the ecological situation, the preferences in food and other peculiarities of an individual or the averaged contingent for which the analysis is made.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):121-129

Influence of endoecological factors on development of a mastopathy
In the given work the opportunity of effective revealing of disturbances of the hormonal status at the patients, suffering is shown by a mastopathy. Classification of the mastopathies is offered, allowing to choose a rational regimen of correction of disturbances of the hormonal status and to appoint the adequate scheme of treatment of patients.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(1):130-134