No 2 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 18
- URL:
The characteristic of elements of antioxidant system of adaptation of wood plants in conditions of the city environment
In work features of dynamics of the maintenance not enzymatic components аntioxidant systems of adaptation (an ascorbic acid and phenolic connections (tannins)) the wood plants growing in conditions of the city environment are reflected.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):5-13

Acclimatization Aspects of Recreation in the Southern Regions of the Russian Far East
Recreation often involves traveling to a distant place with climatic conditions that are different to those to which the recreationist has become acclimatized to at his home location. The effects of travel on respiratory organs and their acclimatization loading from the centre of the Russian Far East Federal Okrug - Khabarovsk to all locations of this district are examined.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):18-23

Common environmental safety and «legionary disease»
Looks like the danger has sneaked up from the various directions. It is concerned with devices, that make our life easier, profitable and more satisfied. Epidemiologists have found out, that many of the devices, such as air-conditioners, jacuzzi, plumbing and so on contain «Legionella pneumophila» bacteria. High humidity and temperature of the ancillary equipment are ideal conditions for the legionella growth. When such the devises are turned on, location is being filled with some kind of aerosol, that consists of bacterium and water, necessary for the infection. As it usually happens, mankind actively tries to solve the really complicated problem, created by it.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):29-34

The special influence of risk-factors during daily activities of the population at the time of emergency situations for example forced internally displaced from Abkhazia
Anthropoecological examination is made on an example on forced mixed persons (refugees) from Abkhazia. This article analyses natural and social environmental risk- factors on the social health of forced migrants special reference has been made to regional disease specifics (disease caused by or acquired from migrating to foreign regions); demographic characteristics migrant groups living in extremаl conditions. Furthermore, this work highlights the main population, health security problems noted in such stringent situations: problems connected to the fall of the USSR, armed conflicts and endless stressing circumstances.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):35-41

The high-grade ecological information - a basis for ecological safety and health of the person
Authentic and the objective high-grade ecological information - reliable base for precise representation about a condition and dangers of an environment. The basic anthropogenous factors acting on the person in modern conditions are considered. The most dangerous sources are revealed. Are drawn conclusions on necessity of the popular ecological information and propagation of a healthy way of life.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):42-47

Recreational transformation phytocenotical of beech-boxed biogeocenoses
Influencing of recreational compression of soil on the grass-shrub cover of beech-boxed is analysed the biogeocenoses Black sea coast of Russia. Bioindicator dependences of separate signs on recreational influence at a different composition of of a forest stand.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):48-53

Cultured longstanding hayfields and pasture being made on theplough-lands production increase and stabilization
The man-made factors complex is defining nitrogen chemical fertilizers influence on the biological nitrogen fixation. Common tendency of the negative influence of the nitrogen fertilizers increase on the legumes is shown. It is defined, first of all, by the competitiveness amplification for the water, light and nutrition elements. Also it is defied by the activity change of the pit microflora. Application of the nitrogen fertilizers at the Non-chernozem area in the clover-timothy mixture is always more effective, than in the meadow-clover. Using such a method as sod volume tallage against a background of the prior lime and fortified with the trace elements phosphoric-potassium fertilizer application at the unhomogeneous herbage increases the legumes content.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):61-68

The research of magnetic water influence on biological objects
On the basis of research method of full resistance capacitance component of extract solution change under the influence of magnetic field, resonant frequencies of sunflower Buzuluk seeds are found. In the article the results of laboratory experiments, on the research of magnetic water influence on the change of germination energy and germination power of sunflower seeds, are presented. The change of magnetic water transmission factor in infra-red spectrum is investigated depending on magnetic field frequency which influences the water.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):69-74

About possibility of using low frequency magnetic field in woodprocess industry
The subject of the investigation is drying of wood with the help of the extremely low-frequency magnetic field. The investigation is aimed at studying the process of the humidity-transfer during the process of the wood drying with the help of the extremely low-frequency magnetic field and comparison with the check frequency. It is proved that wood can be dried with extremely low-frequency magnetic field. Compared with the check samples, significant humidity-transfer acceleration can be reached without the transit of the liquid over the critical point.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):75-78

Inactivation of pathogenic microflora using ultraviolet excilamp in presence hydrogen peroxide
The high inactivation efficiency of ultraviolet radiation of KrCl excilamp (222 nm) was obtained.
Vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli O157:H7 at initial populations from 102 to 107 CFU ml-1 were treated by KrCl excilamp with and without H2O2.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):79-84

Seasonal changes of the concentration of heavy metals in soft tissues Dreissena polymorpha
Seasonal distinctions in the concentration of heavy metals in soft tissues Dreissena polymorpha are established. It is shown, that concentration of ions Pb and Cd soft tissues D. polymorpha depends, and ions Zn and Сu - does not depend on their concentration in water.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):93-97

Specificity of geomagnetic fields and artificial electromagnetic fields in densely populated urban areas associated with active fault in Ulianovsk
Study of geomagnetic fields in densely populated urban areas associated with active fault. The researches of artificial electromagnetic fields at housing estate associated with active fault were conducted. The results of this research were compared with sanitary standards for maximum allowable limits of electric field intensity and magnetic field density.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):98-105

Technique of an estimation of the territory's radioecological condition
The modern level of scientific researches allows to develop the ideas about coherence of natural processes. The technique of the express analysis of the territory's ecological condition, realized in the form of software product is presented. The technique represents set of the algorithms, allowing to make the automated processing the information. The estimation of an ecological condition is carried out in field conditions in a mode of real time by direct measurements of number and an abundance of the dominating plants species, input of the information in a database, calculation of parameters of a biodiversity, types of modes of 10 direct-action factors, comfort of environment conditions and sufficiency of environment conditions for each plant species. The technique is intended for a wide range of users: experts in the field of preservation of the environment, ecological monitoring, ecological safety; the engineering and special services which are carrying out the ecological control of harmful manufactures; for an estimation of an ecological condition of city territories, dumps, waste grounds, etc.; is a methodical management for training of students and the personnel.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):106-111

Projects of biomonitoring for the purposes of objects' and territories' radioecological conditions diagnostics
The concept of biomonitoring is based on the on a basic postulate of ecology, that the condition of bioobject and its adaptable parameters reflects a condition of the environments. Each type of biomonitoring has a universal purpose, main of which is the estimation of a biota's condition, and on this information base - an estimation of quality of environment; depending on bioobject various types of biomonitoring are allocated. The typical schemes of biomonitoring allowing to control a radioecological condition of geotechnical systems are developed and tested. The technique and results are of interest for a wide range of experts in the field of preservation of the environment, ecological monitoring, ecological safety, the engineering and special services which are carrying out the ecological control of harmful manufactures, can serve as a methodical management for training of students and the personnel.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2008;(2):112-123