No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 15
- URL:
New directions of research in the field of NMR spectroscopy in PFUR
This article presents some new research directions in the PFUR on quantitative NMR spectroscopy of complex water and organic objects: a metabolic analysis of biofluids, certification of humic preparation and prediction of their physiological activity, identification and authentication of the perfume and cosmetic products.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):5-13

An estimation of metallothioneins concentration in organs of the first generation's rats (F1) under the chronic exposure to cadmium
Chronic exposure to cadmium nitrate during antenatal and 365 days of postnatal development period induced metallothioneins synthesis in liver, kidney and spleen cells. The revealed changes had nonlinear character and depended on cadmium nitrate concentration in drinking water and duration of its entrance to organism.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):14-17

Nanocrystalline metals effect on ecological-biological status of soil and biologically active compounds accumulation in plants
The preplant vetch and rape seeds treatment by aqueous solution of nanocrystalline ferrum, cobalt and cuprum in ultrafine state increased the plants coming-up and influenced the chemical composition of the aerial parts. The one-off seeds treatment increased protein content and led to the quantitative change of plants carbohydrate content. The seeds treatment did not increase metal content in the plants and soil.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):18-23

The Smolensk region - Moscow: possibilities of ecological well-being
The ecological condition of the Smolensk region becomes the possible factor, influencing level of health not only its population, but also the nearby population - Moscow and areas of the Moscow Region that as a whole should be considered in strategic plans for development and adequate nature protection activity in territory of the given region.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):38-42

The social-ecological-economical measurement aspects of life's quality (on the example of North-Kazakhstan oblast)
The social-ecological-economical measurement aspects of life's quality are considered in the article. Using modern statistical trend approaches we measured life's duration. We suppose that the results of our research may be used under performance of demographical and social-economical policies in the North-Kazakhstan oblast.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):43-48

Influence of small and midget influences on a lymphatic drainage and gumoralno-interstitsialnyj transport
In work questions influence of weak influences of homoeopathic preparations on lymphatic system of mice depending on cultivation degree are considered. Preparation influence in small and midget doses on physiological processes of live organisms is revealed and shown.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):49-52

The activity of platelets in young people with an average physical activity
People in the aged of 18-22 years old with average physical training has a stable activity of platelets. Low activity of platelets is associated with low numbers of components in their blood and has a positive effect on the circulation of blood by the young people with an average physical activity.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):53-58

Factors of nonspecific immunity of the russian nord-west population
The impact of geographical position and presence of industrial press on nonspecific immunity of Karelian Republic and Murmansk Region population was investigated. Immunological status of a subject was estimated on bactericidal activity of skin and oral microflore composition. The highest level of nonspecific immunity was observed in non-industrial settlements of Murmansk Region and the lowest in industrial settlements of Karelia. The level of immunity in non-industrial settlements of Karelia and in industrial settlements of Murmansk Region was about the same.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):59-67

Cesium (CS-137) leaching from the soil under surface flooding
The results of investigations of Сesium (Cs-137) leaching from the soil under the creation of flooding layer at its surface are given here. It was studied: different norms, number of washing irrigation , filtration velocities, water depth at the surface, duration of watering, influence of intensificators. The optimal regimes of watering are recommended here.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):68-75

Maintenance of ecological safety in the conditions of the city
The system of security and maintenance of ecological safety in a city is considered as the difficult system, including considerable number of objects and factors of a various origin, interaction and condition each other. The system of program actions for prevention of pollution of city ecosystems and to their clarification in case of pollution is offered.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):82-87

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):88-90

Pravila oformleniya statey,prednaznachennykh dlya opublikovaniya v nauchnom zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN. Seriya „Ekologiya i bezopasnost'zhiznedeyatel'nosti»
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(1):91-92