No 4 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Peculiarities of the use of predatory birds as bio-repellents on take-off runway
This work deals with the use of specially trained predatory birds as bio-repellents to regulate complex ornithological situations in various administrative units (take-off runway, fur farms, grain depots, elevators). Here is the specific character of hunting birds that are used as bio-repellents on take-off runway of an aerodrome presented. Practical recommendations are given. Efficacy of the use of the falcon and hawk as repellents on take-off runway is shown.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):5-10
Impact assessment biologically active agents on biochemical parameters hypoxic stress in pregnant wistar rat in a pollution
The reproductive system is very sensitive to adverse environmental factors and on-Chambers for his formation of environmentally dependent pathology. One of the most effective and far-reaching ways of per-prevention and treatment of hypoxic damage to the mother and the fetus appears antihypoxants application. The introduction of biologically active compounds with antihypoxic properties-you is expressed antihypoxic effect kupiruya manifestations of hypoxic stress in the body naturally during pregnancy.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):11-19
Dependence of speed of development of lateral runaways from height and diameter of a tree
In clause data on studying dependence of speed зарастания lateral runaways of a pine ordinary (Pinus silvestris L.) from height of a tree and increase in its diameter are cited. The account was spent on the age periods in territory of учебно-skilled timber enterprise of Mari state technical university.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):20-22
Study parameters of fluorescence clorophyll in leaves of tree plants in different environmental conditions of Moscow
In the article are considered the study of fundamental changes in the parameters of fluorescence of the photosynthetic apparatus of trees (birch, poplar, juniper), under the influence of pollution in the NAO, Moscow (Zapadnoye Degunino).
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):23-28
Prospects of hot dry rock extraction and utilization -petrothermal power engineering in Russia
Geological, methodical and economic aspects of petrothermal resources extraction and utilization (hot dry rocks) for the electric power and for a heat supply are considered. The use as heat collector a natural fracture zones or created zones by interior is marked. Use of new boreholes tools development for deep well construction due to competition of petrothermal energy in comparison with other kinds of renewable resources or in comparison with use of traditional organic fuel.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):29-40
System change to vital activity at age beside womans: plural age correlation physiological parameters
The plural correlation physiological parameter are discovered since age, pointing to system nature of the age and touching more than 30 different physiological functions. Age change function are grouped in several correlation and physiological bound groups, in the first place connected with reduction sexual hormone and their influences upon lipid exchange, transport of the oxygen and reductions to general vital activity of the cells. The discovered correlations point to determined sequence and directivity of the age change and presence several mechanisms of the change function organism since age.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):41-47
Health technology in teaching students of the ecology faculty russian Peoples' friendship university
The article analyzes the incidence of People's Friendship University students over the past 15 years, it is shown that the leading pathology remains ENT-organs and the organ of vision. We also show that the university is extensive sanitation and education to preserve and improve the health of students.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):48-53
Platelet activity in youngpeople, do not train physically
Young people do not train physically showed a gradual increase in functional activity of platelets. Aggregation of platelets is low in people from 18 to 19 years. With increasing age, platelet aggregation increase. Aggregation of platelets increases under the influence of exogenous factors. The number of circulating blood cells increases and worsens blood flow in young people, do not train physically.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):54-59
Peculiarities of structural organization of functional systems realizing attention abilities
In the submitted work was studied the sensomotor korrelaters of cognitive abilities. The essence of the method has consisted registration of left and right hemispheres reactions on light, sound and skin irritants.
With the help of this technology were studied the sensomotor korrelaters of cognitive abilities as parameters of activity of separate parts of brain.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):60-63
Thermal impact assessment by the construction of baydara bay crossing of the trunk pipelines system bovanenkovo-ukhta to permafrost environment of submarine soil
The article is devoted to impact assessment of permafrost conditions to the bottom sediment of Baydaratskaya Bay. Thermal action of design pipeline will detect on the surviving permafrost. For investigation and prediction the changes of possible conditions in the thermal action area of a buried pipeline were elaborate the two-dimensional mathematical patterns of heat exchange in the rocks during pipeline construction.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):72-82
Environmental assessment of the impact of agricultural production on the intensity of environmental pollution
One of the sources of environmental pollution and agricultural land are agricultural enterprises, warehousing mineral fertilizers and pesticides, intensification of abundant agricultural production. Article reflects the results of integrated assessment of agricultural land and their use. Studies to identify agricultural land contaminated by hazardous chemicals in the burial of pesticides and the field storage and production of mineral fertilizers on the territory of Orel's region.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):83-89
Ecology-geological researches and mapping of territory of valley Bodrak-river (the Сrimea mountain)
This work had been create as result ecology-geological observations for territory of Crimea research polygon. The purpose of this work are system engineering of a complex ecology-geological estimation of natural and agricultural of valley Bodrak-river. Work had been create by materials of field-trips in Mountain Crimea (1997-2002) and maps of Moscow State University.
The geological maps (resources, geodynamical, geochemical, geophysical) had been create, as result of this researching. The maps show features of ecological functions of lithosphere for territory of valley Bodrak-river.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):90-99
Ecological safeguarding and normalized water use of ust-ilimsk wood-industrial complex
Nowadays high attention is paid to the ecological problems of cellulose-paper group of enterprises and wood industrial complex as a whole. First of all it is connected with questions of operating optimization of water use and water derivation systems. On the one hand it is necessary to provide the production by steady provision of behooving quality water, on the other hand - to provide ecological safety and technological standardization of thrown sewer. The practical ways of this problem decision for Ust-Ilimsk wood-industrial complex are considered in the article.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):100-109
Some features intergeospheres processes of mountain Altai
Is shown, that the important function response of various processes on the Earth on solar-terrestrial interrelations are the characteristics of a geological structure, are shown influence of solar-terrestrial interrelations on thunderstorm activity, on earthquakes, and also influence of earthquakes on thunderstorm activity and them synergy of interaction.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):110-119
Ecology economics aspects of The integration outlook of Russian Federation
International economy integration is a process of the neighboring countries' economics merger into the integrated economic complex. It is based on the steady economic relations basin between their companies. Most of the economists assert that the globalization is a stage of the internationalization of all the production factors: capital markets, human capital, science information and - the most important - nature resources. Globalization generates the interweaving of the ecology-economical processes in the nature management sphere of the different countries of the world. Ecology-characterized problems are being widely discussed in the margins of the existing institutions.It is to be stated with a pity, that there is ecology aftermath analysis of the integration of Russian Federation into the world economy, TNC role in that process in the official acts. Russian integration into the world economy and the globalization processes on the profitable conditions demands long-dated strategy with a glance of the ecology economical aspects.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):120-126
Our autors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(4):127-130