Ecology economics aspects of The integration outlook of Russian Federation

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International economy integration is a process of the neighboring countries' economics merger into the integrated economic complex. It is based on the steady economic relations basin between their companies. Most of the economists assert that the globalization is a stage of the internationalization of all the production factors: capital markets, human capital, science information and - the most important - nature resources. Globalization generates the interweaving of the ecology-economical processes in the nature management sphere of the different countries of the world. Ecology-characterized problems are being widely discussed in the margins of the existing institutions.It is to be stated with a pity, that there is ecology aftermath analysis of the integration of Russian Federation into the world economy, TNC role in that process in the official acts. Russian integration into the world economy and the globalization processes on the profitable conditions demands long-dated strategy with a glance of the ecology economical aspects.

About the authors

A A Avramenko

OVOP (Environment Recovery and Protection Organization)Ecology center, Moscow

OVOP (Environment Recovery and Protection Organization)Ecology center, Moscow

M S Lucenko


M P Landehovskaja


S V Rykov



Copyright (c) 2010 Avramenko A.A., Lucenko M.S., Landehovskaja M.P., Rykov S.V.

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