No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 18
- URL:

Influence of ecological destabilization of clear cuttings environment on ontogenesis of forest small mammals species
The results of comparison show that in clear cutting populations of a bank vole fluctuating asymmetry is higher and correlations of signs development is lower than virgin forest populations. It indicates that stability and regulation of ontogenesis decreases in the ecological disturbed ecosystems of clear cuttings.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):14-21

The research of magnetic water influence on saccharomyces cerevisiae
This research contains data about natural ability of water, after treatment with magnetic fields of extremely-low frequencies save and reproduce this treatment to biological objects. As biological objects in this research are used microorganisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The band of self-radiation of magnetic water is found.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):22-25

Мodern climate of aglomeration as ecoiogical factor of bird's nest development
Results and periods of hollow nesting are influenced by a lot of factors, the main of which are weather dynamic conditions. An influence of periodically changeable climatic factors which effected by circulating processes in the atmosphere upon behaviour and development of Starling is searched in the work.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):26-35

Technique of an estimation of defence function urban plants
This work offers a method of estimating the cost of plantations according to their absorbing and water regulating capacities which depend on the form and size of a leaf. The calculation shows that the cost of a tree in tree in a city varies from 324 to 1065 rubles per tree per year. The same method can be used for estimating the cost of lawns.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):36-40

. The principles of modeling and optimization of the work of thesettling pool for silting of thing fractions
The model of silting of the settling pool is offered here. The methods of definition of parameters of the model by experimental figures are reduced. The factors, determined the maximal productivity, and necessary conditions of their optimization are considered.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):41-49

The basic principles of system analysis assessment and prognosing the level of safety in anthropogenic and nature ecosystems
In this article considered, formulated the main terms, definitions in the field of safety, worked out the model of appearing, developing and realization of danger situations in anthropogenic and nature ecosystems, estimated regularities of their appearing, principles of prognosing the different stages of developing and realization of dangers in crisis and extreme situations.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):50-56

The immune modulators as geroprotectors: the geroprophylactic effect of transfer-factor
Biologically active dietary supplement «Transfer-factor» obtained from cow colostrums by the company «4 Life Research Co» (the USA) has positive impact on the immune characteristics of the old laboratory animals and displays the complex gero-prophylaxis influence on the mice's physical state, dynamometric figures of the animals, the metabolism and the free radical mechanisms of ageing. «Transfer-factor» renews the cellular potential growth of old animals' tissues to the values specific for the young age. It can be used for the tissue regeneration activation with the purpose of their healing. As important is the described in the work anti-stress action of this remedy on the immune system and its protection impact on the age-specific and alimentary obesity.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):57-64

Peculiarities of microelement hair structure of children who live in ecologically inequivalent districts
Microelement hair structure has been defined for the children living in different districts of the city of Krasnoyarsk which are characterized by different anthropogenic load. The children living in the districts with high anthropogenic load have high cadmium and lead concentration in their hair. Taking in to account the high toxicity of these elements this fact can be characterized as ecological tensoin.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):65-69

The level of chromosome aberrations and the activity of chromosomes' kernel-forming areas in the Kursk region
The aim of the research is the study of the regularity of the phenotypic manifestation of the level of chromosome aberrations and of the transcriptional activity of chromosomes' kernel-forming areas on the example of arterial hypertension development. The obtained results proved the influence of the activity of the kernel-forming chromosomes' areas and the formation of chromosome aberrations on the development of the arterial hypertension in people.It was demonstrated for the first time that people with high transcriptional activity of chromosomes' kernel-forming areas have the lowest level of chromosome aberrations, which is explained by a high proliferative activity of this group and by a more intensive protein synthesis (including reparation proteins). The data on adaptive significance of chromatid chromosome destructions holding back the development of the arterial hypertension have been obtained. Thus, the interrelation between functional Ag-polymorphism and the level of chromosome aberrations during the development of arterial hypertension in people has been established, linear dependence being absent between these two characteristics.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):70-76

About units and units systems of the ecological values
At present exist several approaches to classification of characteristics (classes) estimation of ecosystem and geosphere cover of the Earth. At norm-setting and standardizations of man-caused influence to environment it is offered to choose the biotic factors, that itself comprise to three classes of the factors: thematic, spatial and dynamic. The thematic factors includes botanical (geobotanical and biochemical), zoological and soil factors. This factors allows, with an exclusion of biochemical factors, characterize resources potential of analyzed component, and through it the ecosystem conditions.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):77-81

Еcological condition of accumulative environment components as a parameter of quality of the urbanized territories on the example of Birobidzhan
The average parameters of ecological condition developed on the basis of analysis of pollutant concentration in natural components and morphological attributes of a condition of city vegetation are used for a complex estimation of the urbanized territories.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):89-96

Geoecological aspects of spring water forming in Sergiev Posad region (Moscow region)
In article the results of the research work of series of springs are stated. Regularity of change of spring water quality under the influence of man-caused factors is revealed. Such factors as geological structure of rocks, sorption characteristics, presence of trees plantations etc., are very important for prevention of spring water pollution.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):97-103

Territorial ecological audit - the first step to ekologo-economic management of territory
The evolution of the purposes and problems of ecological audit from the simple technological control at the enterprise to the modern concept of territorial ecological audit is presented. In the publication the reasons of backlog of Russia in development of ecological audit are analyzed and measures which according to authors are capable to make active the given direction in the Russian conditions are offered.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):104-107

. Influence of technogenic exhausts and nuclear pollution on the coniferous forests of Belarus
The large-scale environment pollution and its fatal influence on forest ecosystems has led to deterioration of a sanitary condition of forests in Belarus, to reduction of their biological resistance, to mass reproduction of many destructive insects and fungous diseases. The common pine - one of the basic forest creators in Belarus - is widely used as object for test due its high sensitivity to contamination. A number of works offer to use alterations in content of separate ingredients of an essential oil of a common pine as biochemical indicators of terrain industrial pollution. It is necessary to note also, that the basic biochemical processes in needles cells fade during the autumn-winter period, and radioactive disintegration does not stop, that causes the accumulation of radioactive products and, finally, leads to increase of stressful loading on the tree biomass. It was note, that the biochemical indicator - essential oil componential composition - is rather sensitive to quantitive changes of toxic elements and radioactive nuclides in conifer needle. The mechanism of influence of various elements on biosynthesis terpenoids is complicated enough, however some similarities in influence of toxic elements and radioactive nuclides on the process is marked.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):108-115

Klimato-ecological features of the ambience mountain region (on example Russian Altai)
Work contains methods of the estimation климато-ecological conditions of the mountain territory. The typification and estimation of landscapes according to their bioclimatic potential is carried out on the basis of factoral-integral estimation of bioclimatic conditions in the Altai mountain region.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):116-121

The analysis of efficiency of systems of separate gathering and secondary processing of firm household waste products in the Russian Federation on example PTF-packing
In the article the estimation of volumes PTF-bottles acting on ranges of firm household waste products in the Russian Federation is given. The most widespread methods of secondary processing of PTF-bottles in the world and in Russia are analysed. The analysis of large pilot programs on separate gathering and secondary processing of the firm household waste products which are carried out in territory of the Russian Federation is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2009;(2):122-127