Stabilization of petroleum and oil emulsions by bioorganic compositions based on humic acids
- Authors: Gertsen M.M.1, Golysheva A.N.2, Perelomov L.V.1
- Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
- Tula State University
- Issue: Vol 31, No 4 (2023)
- Pages: 476-493
- Section: Environmental Monitoring
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The stabilizing ability of humic acids isolated from reed fen peat of the Ryazan region in the relation to oil and petroleum products under various abiotic conditions of the aquatic environment has been studied. The applicability of the used biological products in conditions of low temperature and increased salinity of the medium is determined. The stabilizing ability of the developed biological products was determined by the transmittance of emulsions. It was found that in the condition of increased salinity, the transmission coefficient decreases by 5-24% relative to the control experiment for crude oil, diesel fuel and waste oil when using monocultural biological products. It was found that the use of polycultures in the composition of biological products significantly reduces the transmittance by 24-43% for “HAs from reed peat of the Ryazan region + Rhodococcus erythropolis S67 + Rhodococcus erythropolis X5” and 10-29% for “Humic acids of reed peat of the Ryazan region + Rhodococcus erythropolis S67 + Rhodococcus erythropolis X5 + Pseudomonas fluorescens 142NF”. The applicability of the studied biological products in conditions of low temperatures is confirmed by a decrease in the transmission coefficient to 68-73% for diesel fuel, to 60-64% for used synthetic engine oil and to 64-69% for crude oil. It was found that the transmission coefficient decreases in the series: “Humic acids of reed fen peat of the Ryazan region + Rhodococcus erythropolis X5” → “Humic acids of reed peat of the Ryazan region + Pseudomonas fluorescens 142NF” → “Humic acids from reed fen peat of the Ryazan region + Rhodococcus erythropolis S67”. It was revealed that the reduction of the transmission coefficient of oil emulsions occurs due to the combined use of humic acids isolated from reed peat of the Ryazan region and the association of bacteria (both when using 2 and 3 strains). The stabilizing ability of humic acids in conditions of increased salinity was comparable to it in conditions of reduced temperature. It has been established that cane humic acids of the Ryazan region can be used as a basis for biological products that stabilize oil and oil emulsions.
About the authors
Maria M. Gertsen
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0026-4933
SPIN-code: 3989-8560
Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Ecology, Assistant at the Department of Biomedical Disciplines and Pharmacognosy
125 Lenin Avenue, Tula, 300026, Russian FederationAnastasia N. Golysheva
Tula State University
ORCID iD: 0009-0004-5135-4455
SPIN-code: 1852-6831
Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemical Conversion of Renewable Biomass and Organic Synthesis
92 Lenin Avenue, Tula, 300012, Russian FederationLeonid V. Perelomov
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0507-4968
SPIN-code: 2695-0200
PhD in Biology, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemistry and Ecology of Soils, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
125 Lenin Avenue, Tula, 300026, Russian FederationReferences
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