Leeches (Hirudinea) in aquatic ecosystems of national park “Prielbrusye”
- Authors: Yakimov A.V.1, Cherchesova S.K.2, L’vov V.D.3, Zalihanov K.K.4, Kojbaev B.G.2
- OP Kabardino-Balkarian Republican Division for Fisheries and Conservation of the Far Eastern Branch of the West Caspian Branch of the Glavrybvod FGBU
- North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
- Chegem trout hatchery of the Glavrybvod branch of the FGBU
- Federal State Institution “National Park ‘Prielbrusye’”
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 540-547
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/ecology/article/view/18620
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2310-2017-25-4-540-547
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The article provides information about the fauna of leeches living in the various reservoirs on especially protected natural territories of the Federal state budget establishment “The National Park ‘Prielbrusye’”. Only 4 оf the 12 known in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic species of leeches inhabit the waters of the National Park ponds: Protoclepsis tessulata (O.F. Muller, 1774), Helobdella stagnalis (L., 1758), Haemopis sanguisuga (L., 1758) and Herpobdella octoculata (L, 1758). The author shows the location of leeches in the aquatic ecosystems. It is fond that their appearance in waters of the National Park “Prielbrusye” is mainly due to anthropogenic activities, particularly creation of artificial stagnant and partly stagnant reservoirs.
About the authors
Andrey Vladimirovich Yakimov
OP Kabardino-Balkarian Republican Division for Fisheries and Conservation of the Far Eastern Branch of the West Caspian Branch of the Glavrybvod FGBU
Author for correspondence.
Email: yakimov_andrei@mail.ru
Cand. Sc. (Biology), Head of OP Kabardino-Balkarian Republican Division for Fisheries and Conservation of the Far Eastern Branch of the West Caspian Branch of the Glavrybvod FGBU, Senior Research Fellow of the National Park Prielbrusye
Turgenev str., 21, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia, 360000Susanna Konstantinovna Cherchesova
North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
Email: cherchesova@yandex.ru
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
Vatutina str., 46, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, 362025Vladimir Dmitrievich L’vov
Chegem trout hatchery of the Glavrybvod branch of the FGBU
Email: yakimov_andrei@mail.ru
chief fish farmer of the Chegem trout hatchery of the Glavrybvod branch of the FGBU
rural settlement Yanikoy, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia, 360000Kaplan Khasanovich Zalihanov
Federal State Institution “National Park ‘Prielbrusye’”
Email: yakimov_andrei@mail.ru
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research of the Federal State Institution “National Park ‘Prielbrusye’”.
Lesnaya str., 2, rural settlement Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia, 360000Boris Georgievich Kojbaev
North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
Email: koibaevbg@mail.ru
post-graduate student of the North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
Vatutina str., 46, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, 362025References
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