Monitoring og the content of ultradispersed aerosols in the air of the mining inditrial region
- Authors: Radchenko D.N.1, Gadzhieva L.A.1,2, Gavrilenko V.V.1
- Institute of Complex Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 520-528
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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A methodology for monitoring the determination of the content of solid particles with a particle size of 1-10 nm in the air of the mining region has been developed. Appropriate studies have been carried out. The air pollution by nanoparticles in the KMA and the Moscow regions is estimated.
About the authors
Dmitry Nikolaevich Radchenko
Institute of Complex Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
candidate of technical science., senior researcher of IPKON RAS, Associate Professor of the Department of Geology, Mining and Naphtha Engineering of the PFUR Engineering Academy
Kryukovskytupik, 4, Moscow, Russia, 111020Louisa Abdu-Samadovna Gadzhieva
Institute of Complex Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
student of the Department of Geology, Mining and Naphtha Engineering of the Engineering Academy, Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, a laboratory assistant of the IPCON RAS
Kryukovskytupik, 4, Moscow, Russia, 111020; Ordzhonikidze str., 3, Moscow, Russia, 115419Vyacheslav Vitalievich Gavrilenko
Institute of Complex Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences
research assistant, IPKON RAS
Kryukovskytupik, 4, Moscow, Russia, 111020References
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