Article is devoted to studying influence of factors of the social environment on human ecology. On selection of the workers’ bank sphere influence a stress factors of the production environment on psycho- emotional and professional health of employees was investigated. It is shown that the difficulties arising during interpersonal communication of bank workers are reflected in a psycho-emotional state and conduct to growth of stressful tension and decrease in health and safety of this professional group. Research I revealed positive correlation communications between satisfaction with work and the organizational cultural environment of the bank sphere ( R = 0,767), satisfaction with work and level of independence of decision- making of the employee in the organization ( R = 0,851), satisfaction with work and level of relationship of the personnel with heads and between workers ( R = 0,753) at р 0,01 and the return correlation communication between performing activity of employees and spontaneous aggression ( R = -0,649) at р 0,05. The obtained data allow becoming a basis for creation of the program of correction of bank workers in decrease in influence a stress of factors of the production environment on psychophysical health.