Ecological problems of the compact planning urbanized territories

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Major task of the present-day civilization is to try saving environment acceptable for life of the future generations. We should restore the lost and prevent the ecology disasters origin as in the future as now. Real estate concentration on the urbanized territories is one of the major negative anthropogenic factors of the human influence on the environment. Compact planning and especially dotty completion ensures critical ecology, transport, social and demography situation in the metropolises.

About the authors

V N Pryahin

Society of rehabilitation and nature protection of Moscow

Экологический Центр; Общество восстановления и охраны природы г. Москвы; Society of rehabilitation and nature protection of Moscow

A L Bolsherotov

Society of rehabilitation and nature protection of Moscow

Экологический Центр; Общество восстановления и охраны природы г. Москвы; Society of rehabilitation and nature protection of Moscow

N E Ryazanova

Society of rehabilitation and nature protection of Moscow

Экологический Центр; Общество восстановления и охраны природы г. Москвы; Society of rehabilitation and nature protection of Moscow


Copyright (c) 2009 Pryahin V.N., Bolsherotov A.L., Ryazanova N.E.

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