Gustav Ewers’ contribution to the study of the initial period of Ancient Rus’ history

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The authors analyze the views of G. Ewers (1871-1830) on the history and the law of Ancient Rus’. Ewers’ main achievement is the criticism of the Norman theory. The article includes the characteristics of the following arguments: the inconsistency of the Swedish etymology of the word «Rus’»; the fallacy of the origination of the ancient Russian law out of the Scandinavian law. The basis of Ewers’ concept is the patrimonial theory. It reveals the natural course of the emergence of a state of Eastern Slavs. The scientist formulated the Khazar theory instead of the Norman theory. Ewers attributed the origin of Rus’ to the Northern Black Sea region. He believed that a large role in the formation of the Pontic Rus’ was played by the Khazar ethnos. Ewers also made a significant contribution to the study of the Russian Chronicles. He denounced Schloezer’s methodology, demonstrated the composite character of the Russian Chronicles. The authors show that Ewers’ ideas were highly appreciated by his contemporaries. Ewers’ criticism meant the end of the first wave of normanism. His insights remain important for the contemporary historiography against the background of the attempts of the resurgence of normanism.

About the authors

Vyacheslav V Fomin

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shan

Author for correspondence.

доктор исторических наук (Институт российской истории РАН, 2005), профессор кафедры отечественной и всеобщей истории Липецкого государственного педагогического университета имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского

42 Lenina St., Lipetsk, 398020 Russia

Lubov V Isakova

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Arzamas Branch


выпускница исторического факультета Арзамасского государственного педагогического института имени А.П. Гайдара (2010), юридического факультета Института бизнеса и политики (г. Москва, 2011). Магистр направления подготовки «Психолого-педагогическое образование» (г. Нижний Новгород, 2013).

36 K. Marx St., Arzamas, Nizhniy Novgorod region, 607220 Russia


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