The purpose and objective of the study is to evaluate the results of the surgical treatment method of primary reversible endoprosthesis in bilateral humerus head fractures and osteosynthesis in bilateral humeral head fracture-dislocation. The study will also compare the method of primary reversible endoprosthesis with osteosynthesis. Materials and methods: we performed analysis of the clinical case in a patient with bilateral humeral head fractures using a single-stage bilateral reversible Endoprosthesis of the shoulder joints with Zimmer endoprosthetics with cement fixation of the stem. Results: We evaluated the result of the treatment 2 months after the operation on the Constant-Murley scales (81 points - good) and ASES (83 points - good), on the basis of the analysis of these surgical treatment methods, we came to the conclusion that the method of choice for bilateral fracture of the humeral head is a one-stage total reversive endoprosthesis. After rehabilitation, the patient performs his domestics routines and performs light work at home.
About the authors
Demikhov State Clinical Hospital
Author for correspondence.
Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Demikhov State Clinical Hospital
Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
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Copyright (c) 2018 Fedorov S.E., Zagorodny N.V., Abakirov M.D., Smirnov A.V., Al Bawareed O.A.

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