Integrated approaches in diagnostics and therapy of allergic diseases

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Allergic diseases are a serious problem in both developed and developing countries. Based on the World Health Organization data over 30-40% of the population have one or more allergic diseases. According to forecasts, by 2050, up to 4 billion people in the world will suffer from asthma, allergic rhinitis or atopic dermatitis. Solving problems related to the complexity of differential diagnosis, false positive and false negative results of clinical and laboratory studies, genetic characteristics of patients and many others, can be realized by integrating approaches of bioinformatics and systems biomedicine based on massive databases of experimental studies on one side and, on the other - on advanced technologies of genotyping and detection of biomarkers. The review analyzes the main resources of international databases on allergens, which help to determine the main characteristics of allergens: molecular weight, epitopes, cross reactivity, geographical prevalence, availability allergens in food. Different approaches are considered in the systematization of data obtained in the study of the genome, transcriptome, microbiome, comparison of data obtained from healthy donors and patients with allergic diseases, genetic mutations, transcriptome and microbiome profiles that cause severe course of allergic diseases. Several ways of depicting relationships in the construction of signaling networks (KEGG, sbvIMPROVER, Cyto scape) are shown, both on the basis of direct influence (KEGG, Cytoscape) and on the basis of OpenBEL - the open-access biological expression language - sbvIMPROVER, capable of displaying complex semantic links between components of the system under consideration.

About the authors

S V Guryanova

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. Academicians MM Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences



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Copyright (c) 2018 Guryanova S.V.

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