RUDN Journal of Economics

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir M. Davydov, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Professor, Director of the Institute for Latin America of the RAS

ISSN: 2313-2329  (Print) ISSN: 2408-8986 (Online)

Founded in 1993. Publication frequency: quarterly 

Open Access: Open Access. APC: no article processing charge

Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English

PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)

Journal History

Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat, East View, Cyberleninka, Dimensions, DOAJ, ResearchBib,Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs, British Library, Bodleian Libraries (University of Oxford), Ghent University Library


RUDN Journal of Economics is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal for the field of global economy and international economic relations.  

The journal publishes regular original research papers and reviews.

Particular emphasis is placed on applied empirical and analytical work. The journal is open for innovative research approaches and methods.

We focus on the current problems of the global economy and international economic relations.

The journal covers the following topics:

- Economic development

- Labor market and migration

- Monetary and financial economics

- International trade

- International economic relations

Our authors are known Russian scholars of economics who represent leading universities, as well as experts from foreign countries, including those from the top European, U.S. and Asian universities.



information for the Authors

Posted: 23.10.2024

No. 1, 2025 – "The world in motion: globalization or national interests?" (full text – by December 01, 2024)

No. 2, 2025 – "Asian and African countries in a multipolar world" (full text – by March 01, 2025)

No. 3 2025 – "Modernization and Innovation: New Challenges for the World Economy" (full text – by June 01, 2025)

No. 4, 2025 – "International organizations: the changing role in a multipolar world" (full text – by September 01, 2025).

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Current Issue



Worldwide practice and impact of digital currency of central bank’s implementation
Glavina S.G.

The forced digital transformation of the banking industry and monetary policy were a response to the growing trend of increasing adoption of decentralized finance. The transition from traditional, physical forms of money and payment systems to digital currencies and blockchain technology represents a significant shift in the financial landscape. This transition is characterized by the development of unique, nonreplicable assets, which define cryptocurrencies and other forms of digital assets. These assets are actively responding to the rapid changes in financial markets and represent a major development in monetary systems. The introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) represents a key event in this transformation, and their potential as monetary policy instruments should not be overlooked. Governments around the world are addressing the challenges of implementing these new currencies and ensuring their transparency, while also considering their potential benefits for economic stability. This study will explore the current state of CBDC development and its implications for the future of monetary systems. By analyzing the motivations for CBDC initiatives, the challenges of integrating these digital currencies into existing financial systems, and their implications for international payments, privacy, and security, this study reveals the multifaceted consequences of this technological development. The research is based on an examination of global CBDC projects, identifying successful implementations and the diverse approaches taken by various countries. Ultimately, this article emphasizes the importance of international cooperation and the establishment of a regulatory framework in order to benefit from the potential benefits of CBDC while mitigating the associated risks.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):577-589
pages 577-589 views 43
Approaches to assessing the scientific and technological activities of scientific consortia in Russia and Europe
Belov P.D.

The study presents a study of Russian and foreign approaches to assessing the scientific and technological activities of scientific consortia. Scientific consortia are collaborations of scientific and educational organizations popular in Russia and in the world that allow effectively solving multidisciplinary scientific problems and have a significant impact on the scientific and technological development of the country. In Russia, as in the world, there are state programs aimed at providing grants for the creation of scientific consortia. To assess the activities of scientific consortia, as well as to assess the effectiveness of using the allocated grants, various approaches are used in Russia and abroad. The study presents the experience of assessing the activities of Russian consortia created over the past 5 years within the framework of the national project “Science and Universities”. Such consortia include world-class research centers (WCRC), worldclass research and education centers (WСREC), and regional research and education centers (REC). In addition, foreign experience in assessing the activities of consortia and organizations carrying out scientific research in European countries is analyzed. The study examines the European system for assessing the scientific activities of educational organizations, the Research Excellence Framework (REF), which is largely based on an independent examination of the obtained scientific results, both applied and fundamental. In addition, the article examines approaches to assessing consortia created within the framework of the Horizon Europe program, a key EU program for funding research and innovation, the funding amount of which for the period 2021-2027 is 93.5 billion euros. The program promotes cooperation and enhances the impact of research and innovation on the development, support and implementation of EU policies in solving global problems. The study examines indicators characterizing the effectiveness of scientific activities of scientific consortia used in European countries and Russia. Comparative tables of indicators have been prepared, which compare the indicators used in the Russian Federation and in European countries. Based on the results of the study, the author proposes recommendations for improving approaches to assessing the scientific and technological activities of both scientific consortia in general and individual organizations - members of consortia in particular. Indicators used abroad to determine the efficiency of a consortium’s activities are proposed, which can be applied in Russian practice. The recommendations can be useful for government agencies and commercial structures when creating an international consortium based on organizations located in Russia and foreign countries (for example, the EAEU countries).

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):590-606
pages 590-606 views 39
From consultants to integrators: the evolution and transformation of a consulting business model into technology enterprises in the HR technology market
Gladysheva I.V., Gorlov A.O.

The development of technology opens up many opportunities for creating e-business, digital platforms and entrepreneurship. However, the evolution of economic and business processes creates unique platforms and ecosystems, and forces companies to quickly meet the demands of a changing economic environment. In such conditions, consulting becomes a key tool for business and helps to ensure a quick response of the company in challenging times. This study aims at studying business consulting from several points of view: historical development, the present and the future forms, the implementation of new solutions to mitigate current and strategic business risks. The authors of the study attempt to establish the patterns of formation and development of consulting business, to determine the behavior of consulting actors at the national and international levels, to evaluate the key elements of the consulting business model, its reaction to technological changes and success in solving staff-r elated problems. The research was based on facts and statistics of HR and consulting business experts, data on the structure and dynamics of the consulting services market, scientific research by Russian and foreign scientists, and the authors’ own observations. The results of the study may be of interest to specialists in HR technologies, in digitalization and adaptation of business processes, experienced and novice entrepreneurs, management consultants and those who might be interested in the issues discussed.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):607-623
pages 607-623 views 52
Assessment of digitalization of Russian enterprises in the context of the impact on labor productivity
Sharonov S.B., Lapina T.A.

The rapid adoption of digital technologies by Russian enterprises has prompted researchers to investigate its effects, particularly on labor productivity. Assessing the current state of digitalization and its various aspects can provide insights into the specifics of this process within enterprises. Simultaneously evaluating digitalization and productivity can help understand how the status and characteristics of digitalization influence labor productivity. This study aimed to review existing scientific literature to identify research findings that describe the relationship between digitalization and labor productivity. Additionally, an empirical assessment of the state of digitalization and labor productivity in Russian enterprises was conducted using data from the “Эффективность.рф” platform. The research employed general scientific methods, such as analysis and synthesis, along with descriptive statistics. The literature review revealed four main approaches to assessing the relationship between digitalization and productivity: Evaluating objective indicators of the state and characteristics of digital infrastructure; Analyzing enterprise behavior through text analysis; Identifying digital practices within the enterprise; Gauging the opinions of participants in digitalization projects regarding goals, attitudes, and barriers to digitalization. In the empirical part of the study, the state of digitalization was assessed based on expert evaluations of 11 business processes within enterprises, considering industryspecific features. This assessment was then compared to the state of labor productivity. The results showed a low level of digitalization among the studied enterprises, an uneven distribution of digitalization across individual business processes, and an inconsistent relationship between the state of digitalization and labor productivity. These findings suggest that further research is necessary to clarify digitalization indicators, determine appropriate time intervals for assessing digitalization and performance, and better understand the relationship between digitalization and labor productivity.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):624-638
pages 624-638 views 51

Industrial organization markets

Medical Tourism Market: current trends and forecasts
Polishchuk N.S., Lavrov S.N.

The modern medical tourism market is a fast-growing and promising industry that combines various aspects of healthcare, tourism and economics. The trends and forecasts of the development of this market are considered, the key factors of its growth are analyzed, and the features of medical tourism in different regions of the world are studied. Based on the literary review, the author’s interpretation of the term “medical tourism” is proposed. A universal classification has been formed and the directions of medical tourism have been determined. As a rule, the structure of medical tourism includes: diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, surgical and other interventions, rehabilitation and prophylaxis, as well as sanatorium treatment. The current trends of the modern medical tourism market are described, including the growing demand for medical services abroad, the development of innovative technologies in medicine, globalization and integration of national markets, as well as increased competition between medical centers and clinics. Special attention is paid to the forecasts of the development of the medical tourism market in the coming years. The potential of individual regions and countries is analyzed, factors contributing to the successful development of medical tourism are identified, and recommendations for market participants are proposed. The results of a comprehensive study of the modern medical tourism market and its prospects can be useful for specialists in the field of healthcare, tourism and economics.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):639-656
pages 639-656 views 35
Ways of Chinese car industry formation
Keosya N.D.

China is the absolute leader in the global automotive market: in 2023, more than 30 million units were produced and sold in China. An important role in this leadership of China was played by the placement of production abroad. However, Chinese car manufacturers are facing increased international competition, including from the United States, which ranks second in terms of production in 2023. In particular, at the end of 2022, the resonant law “On Reducing Inflation” was adopted in the United States, aimed not only at stimulating the labor market, but also supporting the automotive sector and, most importantly, in the field of electric vehicle production. China also occupies one of the leading positions in the global electric vehicle market, which is ensured by a combination of a number of principles, including: the market nature of development; the innovative nature of development; coordination of economic activities; openness of Chinese companies to international cooperation. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the development of the Chinese automotive market - an analysis of the main measures taken by the Chinese government to support this sector, as well as an analysis of the main participants, the indicators of their activities and an analysis of the involvement of the automotive industry in the export component of the Chinese economy. Based on historical and comparative analysis, the thesis is proved: due to the presence of a number of competitive advantages, the Chinese automotive industry turned out to be much more attractive for investment, which led to its rapid development in comparison with the Russian automotive industry. It has been revealed that one of the most effective measures taken by the Chinese government is not so much the scaling up of production volumes, as China’s foreign economic expansion into foreign markets and the internalization of the production process. It is also shown that a significant disadvantage of the Chinese automotive industry is its dependence on foreign components, which today forces the Chinese government to change the economic development model to some extent and turn to import substitution.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):657-672
pages 657-672 views 46
The global rhodium market: current trends and prospects
Kapustina S.I., Sokolan D.S.

The research is devoted to analysing the current state of the market of the most expensive platinum group metal over the last thirty years - rhodium. The study considers the main problems of the global rhodium market over the last decade. Based on the analysis of global export-import transactions in 2022, South Africa, Germany and the US were the largest exporters of rhodium, while the US, Japan and Germany were the largest importers. Rhodium exports and imports have been growing at an intensive pace since 2018 owing to the increasing mining, production, and refi of the noble metal in question. Leading companies in the rhodium market are locating mining plants in South Africa owing to its rich raw material base. South Africa has been the leading producer and supplier of rhodium, either unprocessed or in powder form, for the past thirty years. Of all platinum group metals in 2022, South Africa exported 34 per cent of unprocessed rhodium and 10 per cent of rhodium in semi-fi products, which is why rhodium is such an important commodity for the South African economy. The world’s leading companies also include Russia’s Nornickel, which ranks 5th on the world stage for rhodium production in 2022. An econometric method was used to analyse world exports which has a high accuracy of approximation. The trends in the global rhodium market have been substantiated with the help of research and literature analysis. The impact of economic, environmental and political crises on the global rhodium price dynamics has also been examined. One of the objectives of this study is to identify the prospects of international rhodium trade and the possibility of investment in rhodium. Limited supply and unstable demand can cause huge fl in rhodium prices, which aff investors’ decision making. Compared to other precious metals, rhodium is considered not attractive for investment. The expansion or contraction of the automobile industry has a direct impact on the demand for rhodium.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):673-686
pages 673-686 views 57
Analysis of the e-commerce market in China
Goloventchik G.G., Meng Z.

The rapidly spreading digital technologies have destroyed traditional ways of doing business, giving birth to a new business model - e-commerce, which has become a crucial feature of international trade. Currently, global e-commerce, as an innovative tool for cross-border purchase and sale of goods and services, provides almost unhindered access to international markets, facilitates business transactions, and responds quickly and easily to changes in consumer demand. E-commerce has become the backbone of China’s economy; it has changed the country’s economic landscape, reaching CHY 44 trillion, accounting for 27.6% of retail sales. The features of e-commerce enable residents of remote rural areas to purchase the same goods at the same price on the same platform as metropolis residents. China’s e-commerce has allowed millions of small and medium-sized enterprises to adapt to changes in market conditions and become exporters by joining the platforms of leading companies JD, Pinduoduo, Taobao, Tmall, etc. The experience of China is a useful lesson for most developing countries, which could also use e-commerce to guarantee their economic growth provided that they adopt the right policy and invest in digital infrastructure. The theoretical and practical signifi of studying Chinese experience in developing the ecommerce market, as well as insuffi research and incomplete comprehensive analysis of its functioning and immediate prospects in modern international economic relations, make the research topic relevant. The article analyzes the change in the volume of e-commerce transactions in China in the B2C and B2B sectors; traces the dynamics of cross-border ecommerce; identifi factors infl the rapid growth of the Chinese e-commerce market; defi the prospects for the development of Chinese e-commerce; basing on Chinese experience, highlights the factors that can stimulate the growth of the e-commerce market in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):687-708
pages 687-708 views 95
Decoupling Index as an indicator of the ecological and economic sustainability of the solid municipal waste management system: Case study of Moscow
Kurbatova A.I., Savenkova E.V., Abu-Qdais H.

To assess the sustainability of the municipal solid waste management system (MSW), decoupling index is used. This index reflects the impact of mismatch of the direct relationship between economic growth and consumption of natural resources (pollution production). For the first time, the authors calculated the decoupling index for Moscow MSW management system in order to assess the environmental and economic sustainability of the system. The methodology of the study was based on a numerical assessment of decoupling over a certain period of time using the ratio proposed by UNEP. Calculations of the decoupling index for the municipal solid waste management system in Moscow have shown relative decoupling between the solid waste generation in the city for the period 2020-2023 and the growth of the gross regional, with the exception of the period 2021-2022, when there was a sharp decrease in condensed municipal solid waste by almost 0.7 times and absolute decoupling took place. This indicates improvements in the MSW management system in Moscow within the framework of a circular economy. The study assessed the magnitude of the mitigated greenhouse gas emissions as a result of meeting targets by diverting MSW from landfills. The approach used to assess the decoupling index for Moscow, can serve as a useful tool for assessing the environmental and economic sustainability of the MSW management system of other cities to develop future policy scenarios for sustainable MSW management in the near future.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):709-724
pages 709-724 views 44
Indian pharmaceutical market: a way towards leadership in generics
Ilin D.V., Lazanyuk I.V.

India, as a country of 1.4 billion people, plays a dominant role in the global pharmaceutical industry. It is the largest international supplier of generic drugs (cheaper drugs but similar to brand-name drugs). The aim of this study is to analyze development prospects for the Indian pharmaceutical market to identify the barriers or drivers that are forecasted to support or slow-down the future market growth and identify infl of India on development of the global pharmaceutical market. India has a well-developed domestic pharmaceutical industry with a strong network of 3.000 companies and approximately 10.500 manufacturing units. This study discloses historical overview and explains how the Indian pharmaceutical industry was set-up from 1970s till the present day. Eff transformation of the Indian economic structure allowed Indian pharmaceutical industry to fi its niche in the global pharmaceutical market. Indian economy is well prepared for growth of the pharmaceutical industry, since it has a wide and diversifi economy, growing population and evolving healthcare sector. Analysis of the portfolio, fi strategies and other main aspects of the key players in the Indian pharmaceutical market shows that many major companies (e.g. Aurobindo Pharma, Dr. Reddy’s) are actively fostering partnerships with international pharmaceutical companies (like Pfi or Sanofi and this perfectly illustrates the trend of building alliances and partnership in the market. The analysis of the market by geography shows that 47% of Indian medicines are supplied to the US and Europe, which confi not only the low cost of goods of Indian products but also their good quality. Moreover, there is a trend of increasing export of Indian pharmaceutical products to the BRICS countries, including supplies to Russia and South Africa. Conducted SWOT analysis reveals weak points and barriers for the future market development, such as product quality, increasing competition from other global markets, diffi in logistics inside the country. This study emphasizes the key drivers for the future market development, specifi support from the State, increasing digitalization, scale-eff of the industry and growing demand for the pharmaceutical medicines, and all these factors will support the Indian market to get a leading position in the global pharmaceutical industry.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):725-743
pages 725-743 views 60


Assessment approaches the common electricity market of the Eurasian economic union functioning
Shvets N.N., Melnik D.A.

The system of adopted legal acts on the common electricity market of the Eurasian economic union (EAEU) is formed brings closer its start and the possibility of participants from different EAEU Member States to sell and buy electricity. The decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council of December 20, 2019. 31 provides for the adoption of the procedure for monitoring the functioning of the Common Electricity Market of the Eurasian Economic Union by January 1, 2026. At the same time, the approaches to the analysis of the work and efficiency of the market have not yet been determined. The aim of the study is to identify approaches to assessing the functioning of the common electricity market and related indicators. Based on the national approaches of the EAEU Member States to assessment of energy security, the article offers approaches for monitoring the functioning of the future common electricity market and relevant indicators, formed in groups on the basis of their influence on energy self-sufficiency, security of supply, energy efficiency of final consumption of fuel and energy resources and economic sustainability, energy security and efficiency of electricity trade for its development within the EAEU. The study also compiled a system algorithm for monitoring compliance with the performance indicators of the common electricity market, taking into account the energy security and economic sustainability of the “Eurasian Five” countries. The results of the monitoring algorithm can be useful for the development of high-quality and effective mechanisms of the common electric power market of the EAEU during its operation. The proposals formed on the basis of the results obtained based on the results of monitoring will help to form a balanced and regulated common electricity market of the EAEU.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):744-762
pages 744-762 views 36


The green vector of the World economy’s development and its reflection in international trade
Voronina T.V., Yeletsky A.N., Yatcenko A.B., Kondratiev A.A.

For more than 30 years, the world community has been discussing the need for green global economic development. The role of international trade is increasing in fostering global green transition. The study’s main purpose is to identify trends in international trade in green goods based on its volume and structure analysis, ascertain potential risk factors that hinder green exports. The authors consider green trade as a tool for implementation and of the green direction state and indicator in the global economic development. The total volume of green trade was calculated based on 226 commodity sub-codes (IMF data). Focus of the study was on exports analysis of electric vehicles, nuclear reactors, electric generating plants for wind farms, biodegradable packaging, industrial waste for recycling and use. These groups characterize individual green sectors’ global development. The analysis systematized green agenda evolution and theoretical approaches to its justification; identified key trends in green exports and the leading countries in “volume of green goods exports” and “share in green goods global exports” (China, Germany, USA, Japan, etc.). The largest contribution to green trade is made by 3 sub-items: industrial waste for recycling and use (12.5% of global green exports), electric vehicles (9.6%) and solar panels (4.2%). It was concluded that the contribution of green trade to the world GDP is insignificant (1.8%) at the present time with its slow growth rate (by 0.3 percentage points in 2010-2021). However, the share of green trade in world exports is already quite noticeable and has reached 8% (comparable to world food exports). Global green products exports showed steady growth in 2010-2021. Three factors’ groups were substantiated as the main obstacles to the green trade development: institutional, technical, and geopolitical. Each of these groups can initiate green protectionism not so much in a defensive as in offensive form.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):763-783
pages 763-783 views 51


Analysis of the impact and effectiveness of official multilateral financing on socio-economic development: a case study of the Kyrgyz Republic (1992-2017)
Manshin R.V., Sumkoski G.A.

This study analyzes the impact of officially multilateral foreign funds in the Kyrgyz Republic on its economy, on broader socio-economic development. It identifies key strengths, obstacles, weaknesses, lessons from different periods official multilateral financing and the key features of the public investment system with foreign loans. The analysis shows the positive impact of public investment on socio-economic development, although this positive effect is significantly reduced due to the debt trap, high servicing costs, a large share of lost effects from loans owed to both creditors and countries from operational failures as well as economic and financial mistakes. A sensitivity analysis is conducted showing the size and impact of possible additional effects on the country’s economic development and growth, budgets and debt levels that could be achieved through more efficient implementation of public investment processes, improved project selection, preparation, and optimization of investment project implementation, as well as better utilization foreign financial funding.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):784-802
pages 784-802 views 50


Demographic development of the Russian Far East
Garibova F.M.

Demographic development is one of the important elements of sustainable socio-economic development of the state (and its individual subjects) and at the same time a factor of its national security. The development of the Far East is a strategic priority for Russia in the 21st century, the main resource for which is human potential. Demographic policy in the Far East is aimed at stabilizing and increasing the population. The Far East is the most sparsely populated region of the Russian Federation. The average population density is 1.2 people per 1 sq. km. The region’s population is extremely uneven, partly due to the diff in climate in the north and south of the region. The highest density is more than 12 people per 1 sq. km in Primorsky Krai. The southern part of Sakhalin is quite densely populated. At the same time, in the Republic of Sakha, Magadan and Kamchatka regions, the population density is only 0.3…0.8 people per 1 sq. m. This study is aimed at analyzing the demographic development of the Far East. The importance of demographic processes is on a par with ensuring the necessary rates of economic growth and, on this basis, raising the living standards of the population, and ensuring security-related issues. The demographic situation in the Russian Far East continues to be determined by: low birth rate, high mortality, natural population decline, rapid aging of the population, shorter life expectancy than in Russia as a whole, and a steady outfl of the population to the western regions of the country and abroad. One of the demographic components that infl the reproduction of the population in the macroregion and its dynamics is migration as a process of territorial movement of the population. The demographic situation in the Far East has always been largely determined by migration processes, which previously were the source of formation of the size and composition of its population.

RUDN Journal of Economics. 2024;32(4):803-816
pages 803-816 views 51