Jews in Germany: from Ancient Times to the Present Day
- Authors: Khderi KY1
- MGIMO University
- Issue: Vol 9, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 331-340
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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Antisemitism dates back to the remote past. Today it seems impossible to define whether antisemitism throughout centuries was stronger in Germany than in other European countries (France, Poland, and Russia) as from the point of view of historical science such phenomena as hate or prejudices cannot be measured. However, hate and prejudices against Jews reached its zenith in Germany when A. Hitler came to power. At the beginning of 2016, his book “Mein Kampf” for the first time during the last 70 years was published supplied with exhaustive scientific comments. One should not think that reissue of the Nazi manifest which became a prolog to the scariest page in the history of the Jewish people demonstrates revival of the anti-Semitic sentiment in the Federal Republic of Germany. It aims at studying and rethinking of own history to prevent the same events from taking place in the present and future.
About the authors
K Y Khderi
MGIMO University
Author for correspondence.
аспирантка кафедры истории и политики стран Европы и Америки МГИМО (У) МИД России
76 Vernadskiy av., 119454, Moscow, RussiaReferences
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