Modern construction standards and regulations prescribe to carry out calculations of concrete and reinforced concrete structures in a nonlinear formulation with account of the real properties of concrete and reinforcement. However, the most of finite-element program complexes cannot perform such calculations in a nonlinear formulation with account of plastic deformations of concrete and reinforcement. To solve this problem, a methodology has been developed and a solid finite element adapted to the PRINS computing complex has been created, which made it possible to perform calculations of reinforced concrete structures considering their actual work. The aim of the study - development and implementation of a method for calculating reinforced concrete structures under conditions of a three-dimensional stress state, considering both brittle fracture and elastic-plastic deformation of concrete. A finite-element methodology, algorithm, and program for calculation of massive reinforced concrete structures with account of plastic deformations of concrete have been presented. The methodology is based on the modified Willam and Warnke strength criterion supplemented with the flow criterion. Two models of volumetric deformation of concrete have been regarded: the elastic model at brittle failure and the ideal elastoplastic model. An eight-node finite element with linear approximating functions of displacements implementing the mentioned deformation models is created. Verification calculations of a massive concrete structure in three-axial compression testify to the accuracy and convergence of the developed finite elements. The PRINS can be effectively used by engineers of designing and scientific organizations to solve a wide class of engineering problems related to calculations of building structures.