Roll-over stability as a problem of high-rise buildings’ designing
- Authors: Inozemtseva O.V.1, Inozemtsev V.K.2, Murtazina G.R.2
- Construction Bureau “SmartProekt”
- Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin
- Issue: Vol 17, No 3 (2021)
- Pages: 228-247
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
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Roll-over stability of tall buildings under wind loads is considered. The nonlinear nature of the problem is taken into account, including geometric, physical, and structural non-linearity. The problem is solved on the base of a system of linearized incremental equations of structural mechanics that describes the behavior of a system “tall building - foundation soil”. Several methods are examined for solving nonlinear problems of roll-over stability, specifically: 1) deformation method of systems’ equilibrium states’ tracing; 2) method of linearization of nonlinear equations and systems’ equilibrium states’ tracing; 3) method of linearization of nonlinear physical relations of a systems with constructive, static, geometric nonlinearity; 4) method of linearization of nonlinear physical relations of a system with constructive nonlinearity based on nonlinear incremental structural mechanics; 5) method of the deformation process tracing for a physically nonlinear soil base, given the increase of discharge zones and constructive nonlinearity. Each of these methods is used to solve a model task. These tasks take into account roll-over stability of high structures under action of wind loads. In general, the problem of roll-over stability of a high object can be represented as repeatedly nonlinear one with various types of non-linearity. In this regard, in the practice of high-rise buildings’ designing, it is necessary to develop scientifically and methodically substantiated methods of assessing roll-over stability, considering non-linear factors. Taking these factors into account will make it possible to assess the roll-over stability of a high-rise object more accurate.
About the authors
Olga V. Inozemtseva
Construction Bureau “SmartProekt”
Author for correspondence.
leading designer, Candidate of Technical Sciences
26B Bolshaya Pochtovaya St, bldg. 2, Moscow, 105082, Russian FederationVyacheslav K. Inozemtsev
Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin
SPIN-code: 8384-7039
Professor, Department of Building Materials, Structures and Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences
77 Politekhnicheskaya St, Saratov, 410054, Russian FederationGulsem R. Murtazina
Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin
SPIN-code: 2225-0830
postgraduate student, Department of Building Materials, Structures and Technologies
77 Politekhnicheskaya St, Saratov, 410054, Russian FederationReferences
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