Experimental-theoretical studies of hydrotechnical angular-type retaining walls
- Authors: Pashchenko F.A.1
- JSC “Lenaeroproect”
- Issue: Vol 17, No 1 (2021)
- Pages: 82-91
- Section: Experimental researches
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/structural-mechanics/article/view/26189
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/1815-5235-2021-17-1-82-91
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Relevance. Retaining walls are common structures that are part of waterworks. They have the characteristic features of hydraulic structures, such as large dimensions, low percentages of reinforcement (up to 1.0%), horizontal interblock joints. The listed features determine the nature of the work and the stress-strain state of the retaining walls. The main loads on the rear faces of the retaining walls are loads from the action of the backfill soil. The incomplete consideration of the design features and the nature of the loads action in the design of a number of retaining walls that are in the stage of long-term operation has caused the need to strengthen them. One of the reinforcement methods was to install reinforcement rods in drilled inclined holes in the zones of horizontal interblock joints. It was necessary to conduct experimental studies of reinforced concrete retaining walls under the action of various loads, in particular conside- ring the reinforcement by inclined rods. The aim of the experimental research was to study the effect of variable load on the stress-strain state of these structures, among others with due regard to inclined reinforcement installed in the zones of horizontal interblock joints. When solving the set tasks, proven experimental methods of researching reinforced concrete structures of hydrotechnical structures were used. Results. Experimental data from the study of models of retaining walls, including those with reinforcement by inclined reinforcement, at different locations of the resultant load on rear faces of models were obtained. An experimental substantiation of the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures of retaining walls with an inclined reinforcement crossing horizontal construction joints has been carried out.
About the authors
Fedor A. Pashchenko
JSC “Lenaeroproect”
Author for correspondence.
Email: lenair@lenair.ru
General Director
122B Obvodnogo Kanala Emb, Saint Petersburg, 198095, Russian FederationReferences
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