Calculated assessment of the impact of geometric deviations from the design on the parameters of mechanical safety of building metal structures within the framework of scientific and technical support for construction

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An important part of scientific and technical support of civil engineering facilities at a construction stage - evaluation of influence of fluctuations from a designed geometry onto mechanical safety parameters of load-bearing metal structures - is considered. A multi-tier structure (industrial frame tower) is employed to demonstrate main features of such an assessment. Given is an approach to an analysis of as-built documentation and to a choice of most significant fluctuations of structural metal elements from a designed geometry. Effect of erection sequence being taken into consideration, the so-called genetic non-linearity, during computational estimation of a stress-strain state of metal structures mounted with deviations from their design positions is investigated. Results of static and dynamic analyses of designed and as-built (with geometry fluctuations taken into consideration) models of the multi-level industrial frame tower are obtained and compared with each other. Basing on these results, guidelines for computational assessment of effects of fluctuations from a designed geometry onto mechanical safety parameters of similar frame systems are formulated.

About the authors

Alexander M. Belostotsky

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University); Research and Development Center StaDiO

Author for correspondence.

General Director of the RDC StaDiO, Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the NRU MGSU, Doctor of Technical Sciences

26 Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; 18 3rd Yamskogo Polya St, Moscow, 125124, Russian Federation

Dmitry S. Dmitriev

Research and Development Center StaDiO


Head of Computational Research Department, PhD of Technical Sciences

18 3rd Yamskogo Polya St, Moscow, 125124, Russian Federation

Sergey O. Petryashev

Research and Development Center StaDiO


leading engineer of Computational Research Department

18 3rd Yamskogo Polya St, Moscow, 125124, Russian Federation

Tatyana E. Nagibovich

Research and Development Center StaDiO


engineer of Computational Research Department

18 3rd Yamskogo Polya St, Moscow, 125124, Russian Federation


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