The definition of the critical buckling load beam model and two-dimensional model of the round cylindrical shell that interact with the soil
- Authors: Kosytsyn S.B.1, Akulich V.Y.1
- Russian University of Transport
- Issue: Vol 15, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 291-298
- Section: Theory of thin elastic shells
- URL:
- DOI:
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Aims of research. The research is aimed at determining the critical buckling load at which the shell interacting with the soil loses equilibrium stability, and finding the buckling mode of the shell in the linear and nonlinear formulations of the task. Methods. The task is solved by a numerical method using a finite element complex, which allows investigating the stress-strain state and assessing the equilibrium stability of beam models and two-dimensional models of the round cylindrical shell. Three design cases of the beam model and two design cases of the two-dimensional model interacting with the soil are compiled. There is a load summary acting on the shell. The calculations are carried out in linear and geometrically nonlinear formulations using a linear elastic model of the material. Contact elements of one-side and two-side action are used. Critical buckling load are determined relative to the actual load of its own weight. Results. Critical buckling load are determined and the buckling mode of the round cylindrical shell interacting with the soil are found. There is a comparative analysis of the results. An assessment of the stability margin of the shell relative to the actual load is given.
About the authors
Sergey B. Kosytsyn
Russian University of Transport
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 9390-7610
Adviser of the RAACS, D.Sc. in Engineering, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics
15 Obraztsova St., Moscow, 127994, Russian FederationVladimir Yu. Akulich
Russian University of Transport
PhD student of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics
15 Obraztsova St., Moscow, 127994, Russian FederationReferences
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