The aim of research - comparison the results of the experimental data with the computer modeling the work of the strengthened brick-cable arch. Methods. Experimental and theoretical methods of research. Results. Firstly, the tests on a small desktop models were performed, for the determination the nature of destruction of the construction. During them, it was discovered, that the arch crash is taking place because of the splitting the small size timber bricks, or as the result of the breaking its steel strengthening elements. Further, the computer model of the construction was created with the help of physically and geometrically nonlinear finite elements at LIRA-SAPR PC. The generated model was load by a concentrated force at its top zone, the same one, as it had been during the experiments before. On the results of the calculation, the maximum deformation was received, which are different from the experimental one on a value less then 10%, what suggests the nearness the computer model to the real construction. The highest compressive strengths of the arch and the largest stretching forces of its steel bands were determined during the further analysis of the model. Maximum splitting and stretching forces also were calculated theoretically, according to the formulas of SP 64.13330.2017 and SP 20.13330.2016. It was determined that the timber bricks have more than 7 times reserve of strength, and the steel bands over them - only times, and during the growth of external force, the arch will crash because of its steel sprengel bands breakage. By the results of the research, the calculation algorithm of such kind constructions was generated, at the base of LIRA-SAPR PC. It was recommended first, to determine deformation of the strengthened brick-cable arch, with further checking the timber elements for splitting and steel sprengel elements for maximum permissible stretching. The problem of stability the flat form of deformation for the brickcable arch are the same as for the glued one, because of the tight connection the timber bricks, with elimination their exit from the frontal plane.