Numerical analysis of layered composite panel behavior with interlaminar defects subject to dynamic loads

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Aims of research. Polymer unidirectional composite laminate panel behavior with interlaminate defects under action of different dynamic loads is consider. Methods. Normal modes and eigenvalues of rectangular composite panels in the presence multiple delamination different sizes ellipsoidal form are calculated. The dependences of the maximum deflections from the frequency of the stationary pressure field action are constructed. Distribution field of panels plies failure index under action of nonstationary pressure field by using different failure criteria for composites is determined. Results. Modeling methodology composite panels behavior in the presence multiple interlaminar defects under action of different dynamic loads is developed. Analysis of failure panel with the use of different failure criteria for composites is carried out.

About the authors

Aleksandr L Medvedskiy

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

Author for correspondence.

DSc in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).

9 Institutsky Pereulok, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow region, Russian Federation

Mikhail I Martirosov

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


PhD in Technical Sciences, Docent, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).

4 Volokolamskoe Shosse, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation

Anton V Khomchenko

Irkut Corporation


Design Engineer 1 Category, Irkut Corporation.

68 Leningradsky Prospect, Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Medvedskiy A.L., Martirosov M.I., Khomchenko A.V.

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