Development of the design module of the software and hardware complex to ensure the safety of mutually influencing HPS
- Authors: Rubin O.D1, Antonov A.S1,2, Bellendir E.N3, Kobochkina E.M1, Kotlov O.N4
- Research Institute of Energy Structures (branch of JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after S.Y. Zhuk”)
- Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
- JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after S.Y. Zhuk”
- JSC “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering named after B.E. Vedeneev”
- Issue: Vol 15, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 96-105
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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Relevance. As part of the implementation of the Federal Law No. 117-FZ “On the Safety of Hydraulic Structures”, it is necessary to continuously monitor the state of hydraulic structures and related facilities by equipping with control and measuring instruments. The development of modern computer complexes allows us to carry out and predict the state of objects by combining computational research and field observations. The work is aimed at organizing a comprehensive assessment of the state of the HPS and ensuring the safety of existing and projected mutually influential complexes. Aims of research. Improving the safety of the operated (under construction) complex of interfering hydraulic structures. Assessment of sufficient and highquality engineering and repair work carried out on the HPS. Development of recommendations for improving the efficiency of construction of new and modernization of operated hydropower facilities. HPS on the example of the Zagorsk HPS. Methods. Representation of the interaction ideology of various software systems of mathematical modeling, using control and measuring instruments data for calibration and verification of mathematical models. Results. The structure of the HSC calculation module was updated, systematization of the calculation models was carried out, interaction and transfer of the initial data to the calculation module of the software and hardware complex was revealed. The implementation of scientific research is aimed at improving the safety of the complex hydraulic structures.
About the authors
Oleg D Rubin
Research Institute of Energy Structures (branch of JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after S.Y. Zhuk”)
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 2720-6627
DSc in Technical Sciences, Director, Research Institute of Energy Structures (branch of JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after S.Y. Zhuk”).
2 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow, 125080, Russian FederationAnton S Antonov
Research Institute of Energy Structures (branch of JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after S.Y. Zhuk”); Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
SPIN-code: 7374-6867
PhD in Technical Sciences, Director of the Analytical Center for Equipment Safety and Hydraulic Structures, Research Institute of Energy Structures (branch of JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after. S.Y. Zhuk”); Senior Lecturer, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Energy Sector Construction, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU).
2 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow, 125080, Russian Federation; 26 Yaroslavskoe Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian FederationEvgeny N Bellendir
JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after S.Y. Zhuk”
SPIN-code: 7975-2841
Doctor of Technical Sciences, General Director, JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after. S.Y. Zhuk”.
2 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow, 125080, Russian FederationEkaterina M Kobochkina
Research Institute of Energy Structures (branch of JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after S.Y. Zhuk”)
Deputy Director of the Analytical Center for Equipment Safety and hydraulic Structures, Research Institute of Energy Structures (branch of JSC “Design, Survey and Research Institute ‘Hydroproject’ named after. S.Y. Zhuk”).
21 Gzhatskaya St., Saint Petersburg, 195220, Russian FederationOleg N Kotlov
JSC “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering named after B.E. Vedeneev”
SPIN-code: 7057-9274
PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Head of the Foundation, Ground and Underground Structures Department, All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering named after B.E. Vedeneev
2 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow, 125080, Russian FederationReferences
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