Determining the width of the workpiece under bending conditions with stretching of the stamped part
- Authors: Morozov Y.A1, Verkhov E.Y.2
- MIREA - Russian Technological University
- Moscow Polytechnic University
- Issue: Vol 15, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 83-89
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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Aims of research. This paper deals with the problem of determining the radius of the neutral surface of the bending strip at the same time the action of tensile stresses. Methods. In the development of technological processes of sheet bending and the calculation of the initial billet (sweep), most often considered a flat stress state and preference is given to the theory of pure bending, providing uniform curvature of the individual layers of metal under the action of the bending moment and neglecting the action of transverse tensile forces. However, in reality, bending is always accompanied by sliding of the metal along the deforming tool, causing the appearance of friction forces and creating a complex loading in the form of plastic bending with stretching in the metal, which will additionally displace the neutral surface, forcing the experienced one to adjust the technology of manufacturing bent parts. Provides an overview and analysis of the most famous works dedicated to the topic, specifying the distribution of the contact stresses from the inner surface to the center of curvature and developed the theory of complex bending, which allows to specify the radius of the neutral surface in conditions of stretching of the flexible strip of the additional tangential stresses. Results. The results obtained will allow to simulate the stress state of the metal in the development of technological processes of sheet stamping and, in particular, to assess the specific braking force during the bending (straightening) of the strip in the process of pulling through the thresholds and brake edges of the die tooling to eliminate possible defects in the elongated parts and to clarify the dimensions of the workpiece and the finished profile.
About the authors
Yury A Morozov
MIREA - Russian Technological University
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 3189-5426
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technologies in Machineand Instrument Engineering, MIREA - Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA). Research interests: research and development with mathematical support of effective processes of metalworking with pressure
20 Stromynka St., Moscow, 107996, Russian FederationEvgeniy Yu Verkhov
Moscow Polytechnic University
SPIN-code: 1244-5518
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pressure Processing and Additive Technologies, Moscow Polytechnic University. Research interests: metal forming, shaping of parts by sheet stamping
38 Bolshaya Semenovskaya St., Moscow, 111250, Russian FederationReferences
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