Accounting for the filling of the reservoir when calculating the stress-strain state of a concrete dam
- Authors: Baklykov I.V1
- JSC “Institute Hydroproject”
- Issue: Vol 14, No 5 (2018)
- Pages: 390-395
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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The aim of work. The paper considers the issue of reservoir accounting when calculating the stress-strain state of a concrete dam and its foundation. Solution technique. As a rule, reservoirs on a global scale represent a large gravitational mass in the form of water, which affects the engineering-geological situation in a large deep of rocks foundation. To study this factor, an investigation was made of the power component of the reservoir on the basis of the “reservoir - structure - rock foundation” system. For the calculations, the hydro power plant of Boguchanskaya HPP was selected, which is part of the Angara river cascade and is located in Siberia. To perform the stress-strain state calculations, a three-dimensional mathematical finite element model of the “reservoir - structure - rock foundation” system was created on the basis of which the predicted values of the calculated draft of the concrete dam are determined. The mathematical model consists of a fragment of the rock foundation, represented by the lithosphere and the upper part of the asthenosphere. To verify the proposed reservoir account, the predicted sediment values were compared with geodesic data, while the comparison results showed a high degree of correlation. A high degree of correlation suggests that the proposed method predicts the rock foundation and structure sediments quite well when filling the reservoir. Results. The results of the conducted investigations and comparisons of calculated and field data have shown the necessity of reservoir accounting when calculating predictions of sediment values of hydraulic structures and their rock foundation. This forecast is quite important in determining the criterial values of diagnostic indicators for the safety control of the structure.
About the authors
Igor V Baklykov
JSC “Institute Hydroproject”
Author for correspondence.
Leading Engineer of the JSC “Institute Hydroproject”
2 Volokolamskoe Shosse, Moscow, 125080, Russian FederationReferences
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