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Experimental studies of the loading of cable holders (console) type CCH, used as sup- ports for laying cables in passing wells, showed their excessively large dimensions (the thick- ness of the rib and bed), which leads to unnecessary material costs in the manufacture and, as a result, overestimation. Using the finite element analysis method in the software package Siemens NX via the NX NASTRAN solver, the intense state of cable holders (consoles) of the type CCH-3; 4; 6. As a geometric model, we used the solid solid model prepared in the Auto- Desk Inventor package. The possibility of reducing the size of the console, while maintaining load capacity, which can significantly reduce their materialoemkost without changing the strength parameters. The possible reduction in weight is approximately 22 ... 24% of the original value. Con- sidering that currently laid cables have a significantly lower mass, it is necessary to develop new GOSTs for the type of products to be considered. On the basis of the results obtained, it is also advisable to consider transition issues in the manufacture of consoles for new materials (plastics, composites, etc.) in order to increase their operational properties, further reducing the mass and possibly reducing costs

About the authors


Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

Сandidate of Engineering Science, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS). At present he is an assistant professor at the Moscow Polytechnic University. Scientific interests: metal working with pressure (OMD), molding of parts by casting methods and OMD

Russian Federation, Россия 111250, Москва, ул. Большая Семеновская, 38


Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation


Сandidate of Engineering Science, graduated from the Moscow State Evening Metallurgical Institute. At present he is an assistant professor at the Moscow Polytechnic University. Scientific interests: research and development with mathematical support of effective processes of metal working with pressure.

Russian Federation, Россия 111250, Москва, ул. Большая Семеновская, 38


Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation


Сandidate of Engineering Science, graduated from the Moscow state machine-building university (MAMI). At present he is an assistant professor at the Moscow Polytechnic University. Scientific interests: metal forming, shaping of parts by sheet stampin

Russian Federation, Россия 111250, Москва, ул. Большая Семеновская, 38


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Copyright (c) 2018 FROLOV А.А., MOROZOV Y.А., VERKHOV E.Y.

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