Performative studies in the actor-network theory (“technological performativity” in works of G. Kien)

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The article considers some theoretical and methodological prerequisites of shaping the concept of «technological performativity» in the works of modern researcher G. Kien whose approach can be characterized as interdisciplinary. Among the numerous existing preconditions of this concept, the author focuses primarily on G. Austin`s theory of speech acts, as well as G. Butler`s gender studies.

About the authors

E A Goryacheva

National Research University — Higher School of Economics

Author for correspondence.

Chair of General Sociology


  1. Kien G. Global Technography. Ethnography in the age of mobility. — N.Y.: Peter Lang, 2009.
  2. Law J., Singleton V. Performing technology's stories: On social constructivism, performance and performativity // Technology and Culture. — 2000. — No 4.
  3. Butler J. Gendernoe bespokojstvo // Antologija gendernoj teorii / Pod red. E. Gapovoj, A. Usmanovoj. — Minsk: Propilei, 2000.
  4. Wulf C. K genezisu social'nogo. Mimezis, performativnost', ritual. — SPb.: Intersocis, 2009.
  5. Austin J. Performativy-konstativy // Filosofija jazyka / Red.-sost. Dzh. R. Serl. — M.: Editorial URSS, 2010.

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