Corporate culture of organization: Social capital management under challenges and risks

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The criteria for the analysis of the emotional-psychological state of the organization’s personnel imply the study of the capitalization of cultural values and the presentations of results in the form of mathematical indicators of the projective situation. In the article, corporate culture is considered through the capitalization of its team’s cultural values and its business reputation. The study is based on the metric data (parameters) of the capitalization of cultural values in the context of their application to assess the behavior and cultural ethos of the organization’s team. The object of the applied research was the collective of the private enterprise providing services in the fuel-energy sector; the authors examined the social factors in the formation of its corporate culture (the survey focused on the personnel and managers’ assessment of the social-psychological climate and was based on the quota sample consisting of 16 managers and 100 staff members). The results of the study allow to develop a technology for the effective management of corporate culture under new challenges and risks. Traditions of cooperation, trust and reciprocity were considered on the basis of the works of the classics of sociology. The authors suggested the criteria (parameters) for assessing social capital and social norms which reveal the personnel’s abilities and are developed by the organization in a certain period. The study showed discrepancies in the assessment of the parameters of corporate culture by managers and staff. Thus, managers attach great importance to such a parameter as the emotional-psychological state of the team, while the staff does not appreciate the mutual understanding of micro-groups and shows less emotional involvement. Such results confirm the problems in the management of corporate culture as social capital.

About the authors

F. I. Sharkov

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University); Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Author for correspondence.
Prosp. Vernadskogo, 76, Moscow, 119454, Russia; Prosp. Vernadskogo, 84, Moscow, 119454, Russia

V. I. Gostenina

Ivan Petrovsky Bryansk State University

Bezhitskaya St., 14-2, Bryansk, 241036, Russia

I. M. Loskutova

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Moscow State Pedagogical University

Malaya Pirogovskaya St., 1-1, Moscow, 117997, Russia; Ostrovityanova St., 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia

E. Yu. Sycheva

Ivan Petrovsky Bryansk State University

Bezhitskaya St., 14-2, Bryansk, 241036, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Sharkov F.I., Gostenina V.I., Loskutova I.M., Sycheva E.Y.

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