Russian community in Spain and cultural dialogue (1991-2015)

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The article considers the relevance of studying the Russian community in Spain in the context of Russia’s foreign policy and the development of globalization processes. The author considers the factors of the increase of the Russian-speaking community of Spain at the turn of the 21st century, highlights the key demographic and social parameters of the Russian community in Spain. The article reveals the positive influence of the expansion of the Russian-Spanish cooperation in the sphere of culture and economy in the 2000s on the process of institutionalization of the movement of the Russian compatriots in Spain for the preservation of their cultural and language identity and on the promotion of the Russian culture in Spain. There are distinguished the most important aspects of the social life of the modern Russian-speaking community of Spain: revitalization of joint cultural work of the Russian diplomats, of the representatives of the Russian business in Spain and figures of the foreign Russian community; participation of foreign compatriots in the development of the Russian-Spanish relations at the regional level, including the national republics of the Russian Federation; increase of the share of the Russian-language press, electronic media and social networks in the Spanish information space, etc. The author reveals the role of the Russian compatriots’ community in Spain in the increase of the dialogue of cultures and civilizations, in the international interaction in the educational and economic sphere. There is also analyzed the influence of globalization on the evolution of the socio-cultural image and institutional structure of the Russian diaspora in Spain in the 1990-2000s.

About the authors

Vitaly F Ershov

Moscow Region State University

Author for correspondence.

выпускник Московского государственного историко-архивного института (1984) и Московского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова (2009), доктор исторических наук (Московский государственный университет сервиса, 2000). С 2014 г. - директор Центра стратегии и аналитики Московского государственного областного университета.

10A Radio St., Moscow, 105005, Russia

Khanym kyzy Gadzhieva


independent researcher


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