Motives, factors and consequences of the new type of village-city migration for the development of Russian settlement environment

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The article is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of moving to a remote rural area for the permanent residence of townspeople and constructing their own practices of life. Today there was an urgent need to study the deep bases of this phenomenon. It does not fit into the traditional explanatory schemes developed to date in the scientific literature, because such bases are usually located in some hidden, inner-being spheres, which are difficult to break into which is not easy both for external observers and for the bearers of the corresponding structures of consciousness. This double paradox complicates the distinct sociological interpretation of the motivational and ontological grounds that motivate townspeople to move to the village and settle firmly in it. It is assumed that the behavioral models of this social group are determined by the system of norms and expectations that appear in the course of updating the structures of mass consciousness, when, in particular, the future of the urban structure of society is actively rethinking. Of such kind research focus has not yet appeared in the composition of sociological actions. Comprehension of this phenomenon can help to answer the question: why all the efforts to artificially force the Russian peasantry to a happy life during the last century had catastrophic consequences for him, and how, taking into account this understanding, the prospects of the urban evolution of society can be built? A new look at this kind of problems should focus more on ontological foundations of processes that determine the life practices of «new villagers», which, unlike traditional practices, already lead to a socio-cultural transformation of rural communities.

About the authors

O Yakovlevna Vinogradskaya

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Author for correspondence.


82 Vernadsky pr., Moscow, 119571, Russia


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