Activity of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Integration Policy of France by the Example of the Occitanie Region

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The article is devoted to the problem of the integration of migrants in the region Occitanie in France and to the activities of regional non-governmental organizations dealing with this problem. The special focus is on the role of public and charitable organizations in the French integration policy because they directly contact immigrants, including illegal ones, actively participate in the implementation of many state programs, as well as conduct their own activities. The migration situation in France and in Occitanie is examined and measures. The programs for the integration and adaptation of immigrants, undertaken by non-state organizations of the Occitania region, are analyzed in the article.

About the authors

Elena V Viktorova

International Analytic Center, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.

PhD, МВА, director

Sadovaya str. 21, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 191023

Daria A Petrenko

International Analytic Center, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics


leading expert

Sadovaya str. 21, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 191023


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  2. INSEE, L’Occitanie au regard des autres régions métropolitaines: dynamisme, précarité et contrastes. 03.2017; 40.
  3. INSEE Analyses, L'intégration sur le marché du travail des signataires du Contrat d'accueil et d'intégration, Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées. 10.2015.
  4. L'Ofpra en chiffres. OFPRA. Available from:
  5. L’union social pour l’habitat. Le logement social en Occitanie Chiffres Clés. Available from:
  6. Occitanie. Pyrénées-Méditerranée aide 20 étudiants réfugiés syriens et palestiniens à poursuivre leurs études sur le territoire regional. Available from:
  7. Présentation stratégique de la politique transversal, Politique française de l’immigration et de l’intégration — 2015. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France.
  8. Programme régional 2015/2016 de de formation des acteurs de l’intégration au droit des étrangers. Available from:
  9. Official web site of AMS Grand Sud. Available from:

Copyright (c) 2017 Viktorova E.V., Petrenko D.A.

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