No 4 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Informational Space of Russia: Between Television Set and the Internet
Informational space is one of the main supportive constructions of the modern state. The process of development of infocommunicational infrastructure of Russia that constitutes the framework of its informational space goes in concordance with global trends though with some lag. In the sphere of interaction of the society and public authority in Russia take place content and infocommunicational breaches conditioned by translucency and communicational closeness of Russian authorities. Also there is breakup of the content of mass informing conditioned by breakup between the content about the state of affairs in the country which is being formed by the television and by the Internet with the participation of the users.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):5-16

The Search for the Solution of Personnel Problems of Municipal Service in the Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the analysis of a current state of personnel base of municipal service in Russia. The circle of the main problems is outlined, a number of effective technologies and the options promoting their permission are offered. The separate attention is paid to a question of formation of a personnel reserve of the young specialists who have ended higher educational institutions, a technique of selection of highly skilled employees.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):17-23

The Use of Social Networks in Political Process by the Socio-Political Movements of Russia
The modern Russian political movements are the first cells of the emerging civil society. Today, these movements were those social actors who seek to participate in decision making and implementation of public decision making, contributing to this development of public policy in our country. They were the first to make active use of electronic social networking and web 2.0 tools to achieve their goals. In the last year government agencies too paid of close attention to the development of social networks. It creates the conditions under which the use of new Internet technologies in the near future will enable all participants in the political process to achieve their goals.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):24-28

An Overview of the Development of China-Russian Strategic Partnership
This article is devoted to the actual problem of the relationships between China and Russia at the present stage. In a “reset” in Russia-U.S. relations and in the increasing attention in U.S. foreign policy to the Asia-Pacific region the maintaining and the strengthening of a stable and progressive developing China-Russian strategic partnership becomes the basis of China's national security.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):29-52

“Northern Dimension” Partnership: Historical Prerequisites and Prospects of Realization
The “Northern Dimension” is the conception of cooperation between Russia, EU, Norway and Iceland, which not only allows the Northwestern Federal District of Russia to overpass economic and social difficulties but also creates conditions for dynamic development of international cooperation and profound integration for all of the partners. The “Northern Dimension” is an example of good-neighborly relations.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):53-65

«Everywhere Taksim, Everywhere Resistance»: Political Analysis of the Protests in Turkey
The article discusses the prerequisites and causes of mass protests that took place in Turkey in 2013. The author analyzed the genesis of the conflict, the reasons for its escalation and possible consequences for domestic and foreign political situation in Turkey. Following the results of the research has been made a conclusion that mass protests were a typical product of the political culture of Turkey as a confrontation between the Kemalists and the traditionalists.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):66-75

The Impact of the Political Crisis in the Arab Countries on the Situation in the Middle East
This article shows the situation in the Middle East, which has undergone changes in the light of “Arab” revolutions. The balance of power in the region has changed, new actors in the region, affecting the Middle East settlement. The Palestinian problem has its roots far back in the history of the territory, which is now divided into the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):85-89

Analysis of the Concept of Social Capital
The concept of social capital has been developed in the last quarter of the XX century, at the intersection of sociology and economics. Today remain relevant questions of creation and accumulation of social capital in social groups and society as a whole. However, the concept does not have a single, unified definition. An attempt to identify the key characteristics of the concept of social capital is presented in this paper.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):90-97

Political Power Rationalization of Democratic Society in the Jurgen Habermas Theory of Communicative Action
In the article there was determined value and place of the question of democratic societies rationalization of political party in the theory of communicative action of the German scholar Jürgen Habermas. The author described non-classical approach to the study of the thinker of the political power of democratic societies.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):98-106

Problem of Political Elite Influence on Institutional Transformation: Methodological Base of the Model
The article is dedicated to the search of methods of agreement two paradigms: new institutionalism and the theory of elites. These paradigms determine the studies how political elite influences on the institutional transformation process. Informal model in the form of researching algorithm is proposed in the article. This algorithm defines several factors of the model such as mismatching of formal institutions and informal practices, possession of resources and political elite features.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):107-116

Scientific Clusters as Components of Soft Power
This article proposes a comparative analysis of the scientific clusters of “Skolkovo” and “Sophia Antipolis” like soft power elements in the context of transforming modernization. The research is based on the political, economic and social transformation links.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):117-121

Nakba and the Holocaust on the Scales of History Through the Eyes of the Conflicting Parties
This article considers the problem of a biased attitude of pro-Israel communities to human disasters, depending on the nation of people whom the disaster has occurred with, as well as the attitude towards their own catastrophe — the Holocaust as having no historical counterparts. Such position of Israeli and pro-Israel authors causes inhumane attitude towards other human tragedies, especially if they relate to the party who has become hostile to Israel by force of circumstances.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):122-127

Network Approach in Political Communication Studies
The article is devoted to issues of network approach application in political communication studies. The author considers communication in online and offline areas and gives the definition of rhizome, its characteristics, identifies links between rhizome and network approach. The author also analyses conditions and possibilities of the network approach in modern political communication. Both positive and negative features of the network approach are emphasized.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):128-136

Political Tendencies of Development of Mass Media in Japan in Modern Conditions
In the article the author touches upon the features of functioning of mass media in Japan. The author provides analysis of the phenomenon of keiretets and kartelization problems in the system of mass media of Japan. The tendencies of development of Japanese journalism in the context of institutionalization of management processes of mass media are being studied.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):137-141

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(4):142-143