No 4 (2012)


Soft Power in Global Politics. Part I. Regional Dimension. The Works of the Round Table

Kazarinova D.B., Korobka D.S., Kuteleva A.V., Kinyakin A.A., Sarymova N.I., Zubkova A.I.


On 5 of June 2012 at the department of comparative politics of the PFUR was held the round table: «Soft power in global politics: regional and functional dimensions”.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):5-34
pages 5-34 views

The Political Identity of Russia: Realities, Features, Trends (Experience of Post-Soviet Period)

Korovnikova N.A.


The article analyzes the nature, dynamics, processes of identification factors of Russian society during the last 20 years. The author focused his attention on the interdependence of political identity and ideological spaces of modernity. The paper shows trends and prospects for the formation of the basic elements of political identity in the post-Soviet Russia on the state level.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):35-45
pages 35-45 views

Genesis and Development of the Institutes of Local Self-Government in Moscow after Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Agafonov R.A.


The article is devoted to development of institutes of local self-government in Moscow. In the given article was analyzed the law base of local self-government. The structure of the institutes of public management was depicted as well.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):46-55
pages 46-55 views

On question of Legitimacy of Power in Ukraine

Sizonenko V.A.


In the article the modern dynamics of Ukrainian political process is analyzed. The author states that today the crisis of legitimacy of the political institutes of the Ukraine is ready to begin.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):56-62
pages 56-62 views

The Foundation of the Eurasian Union: Scenarios and Forecasts

Egorov D.V.


The article touches upon the analysis of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus’s attitudes to future of Eurasian integration’s progress. The author highlights a number of challenges which the Eurasian Union could face. The author also goes into detail on the issue of the opponents of this integration from abroad.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):63-69
pages 63-69 views

The Role of International Organizations in the Solution of the Palestinian Issue

Khalayla T.M.


In the article, the role of states of the World community and International organizations in the solution of the Palestinian question, and also efficiency and effectiveness offered to the solution of this problem, are also considered.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):70-75
pages 70-75 views

The Prognosis of Political Stability of the Russian Federation on the Basis of Calculation of the Index of National External Economic Stability

Ivanov V.G., Potashina M.O.


The article contains the development of ideas presented in the previous issue of the bulletin. On the basis of the proposed by V.G. Ivanov methodology of calculation of the index of national external economic stability there has been prepared the short- mid-term prognosis of the level of stability of the Russian political regime. With a glance to the specificity of the development of the Russian Federation the methodology of calculation of the deflator of the referred index has been worked out as well.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):76-86
pages 76-86 views

Political Manipulations in the System of Scientific Knowledge on Political Processes

Korolev N.O.


The article brings basis under the idea of including the category of political manipulations into the conceptual scope of the political systems theory. The concept should be employed as one of the concepts in describing tools that keep balances of the political system in conditions of modern political communications.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):87-94
pages 87-94 views

Institutions and Specificity of Development of Public-Private Partnership in the West: the Example for Russian Practice

Abdrakhmanov A.I.


The article is dedicated to the analysis of western countries experience of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) development while PPP becomes the issue of today for Russian political and social-economic life. The article covers especially the study of definitions and meanings of PPP, the analysis of institutions and specificity of Public-Private Partnership practices in western countries which have advanced experience in this field.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):95-104
pages 95-104 views

On Our Authors

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RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2012;(4):105-106
pages 105-106 views

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