No 2 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Regional Particularities of Democratization: Democratic Transitions and the Problems of the Consolidation of Democracy in Latin America. Article 1
The article is a continuation of the previous ones concerning the regional features of democratic transition and consolidation. The author considers the particularities of democratic transformation in the continent in its initial stage. Special part of the article dedicates to the dynamic of the Latin American civilization. On the case studies (Brazil, Chile etc.) the processes of the collapse of authoritarian regimes and democratic transitions are considered.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):5-19

Three phases of transitology evolution: is the forth one coming?
The article features the periodization of transitology, identifying three phases of methodology and interpretation schemes evolution and displaying its inner dynamics. The author outlines the ways to cope with problems transitology faces and sketches the next phase of its development - the fourth one.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):20-34

The Definition of Democracy and its Promotion in Russia
In the present article the questions connected to promotion of democracy all over the world and, in particular, in Russia are considered. The big attention is given to the general features of democracy and optimal conditions for development of democracy. Besides the questions of continuity, the further political choice of Russia are considered in the article.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):35-40

The Russian Business as an Object for Theoretical Conception: Institutional Trajectory in Socio-Political Trend
We make an attempt in the article to make an integral consideration of business as a semi functional activity in interaction with society, the general methodological approaches are suggested to analyze it as a socio-political phenomenon.
Institutional trajectories of the business origin in the modern Russian are considered through the world of political, a logic of the modern model generation of interaction between business and power.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):41-55

The Formation and Evolution of the Peasant Party in Russia
The article throws light on genesis research of the corporative pro-peasant party. It points to antietatistskaja specific peculiarity of the Peasant Party programme and the article elucidates its political activity, which has gradually led to the Russian Peasant Party collapse representing independent political Power.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):56-62

Power-sharing and the Division of Fields of Responsibility between the Russian Federation and its Constituents (for instance, Ingush Republic)
One of the main problems of federative relations, as in the recent years, remains the problem of power-sharing and the division of fields of responsibility between the Russian Federation and its constituents concerning the objects of its joint authority.
Power-sharing and the division of fields of responsibility between the Russian Federation and its constituents - is one of the main conditions of strengthening federative relations. Such power-sharing should not be considered as the end in itself, it is necessary to decide the main questions in the formed system of federative relations.
The question of power-sharing and the division of fields of responsibility always remains practically significant, and the normal functioning of state depends on the sound decision of this question.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):63-71

Rational in the Political Myth of «Loyalty»
In the article the connections between the level of political subjectivity of the participants of Russian political process and the loyalty of their attitude to the acting supreme state power are analyzed. Loyalty is considered to be a political and mythological determinative of the political relationship from the historical and modern point of view.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):72-86

The Common and the Specific in the Leadership's Policy of Management of Socio-Political Reforms in China and Russia
The processes of formation of multi-system economy that go on in China are of a first-rate importance for the political and economic processes that are underway in the Russian Federation. The comparison of the political mechanisms of management of reforms in Russia and China testify that the carrying out of an effective restructuring of the state property, first of all in the field of large industry, is becoming the central issue of economic reforms.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):87-94

Political Regime and Information Order: Social- Informatiological Approach
This article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of interdependence between stability of the political system and the information order from the point of view of the contemporary research and modern trends of political and social sciences.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):95-102

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2008;(2):103-103