No 2 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 14
- URL:
The Modern Methods of Political Research
The modern state as an object of research creates the necessity for improvement of methods of political researches. The author proposes the method of political-law analysis. The law component of the method represents analysis of correspondence of actions of the research object to the norms of the Constitution, international human rights and freedoms acts and current legislation. The political component is based on exposure of political aims and the results of such activities. The method of comparative-institutional analysis is proposed in the article. Its essence is in comparison of different characteristics of the state to expose existing correlations and trends of influence. Initial data is the results of government researches by international and non-governmental organizations.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):5-16

Ethnopolitical Conflicts in Africa: Sources and Types. Part II
The article analyses main sources and types of etnopolitical conflicts in Africa. The author came to the conclusion that the nature of African conflicts is varied and defined by complicated complex of ethnic, confessional, socio-economic factors.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):17-27

The Politics of Ensuring of Energy Security of Russia and the EU Countries: Diversification of Transport Corridors
The article is dedicated to the study of particular infrastructure projects, assigned to provide transport diversification of export and imports directions of energy resources from Russia to the European Union. The article is divided into two parts: the first part includes descriptions and characteristics of projects, which are politicaly supported by the Europen Union. The second part analogically comprises projects, patronised by the Russian Federation. All introduced projects are closely descripted and characterised through their role in the diversification of the import and export directions and in relationship between the Russin Federation and the European Union.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):28-37

The NATO and Russia: is the Antiterrorist Cooperation Possible?
The article is devoted to the questions of the NATO-Russia antiterrorist cooperation organization. Problems which partners face organizing it are considered by authors. The sight is given not only from Russia's point of view, but also from the position of NATO.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):38-41

The Activity of the Consultative Council of the Regions of the Russian Federation on International and Foreign Economic Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Influence on the Development of Cooperation between Russia and Foreign Countries in 2000-2005
The article examines the activity of the Consultative Council of the regions of the Russian Federation on international and foreign economic relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its influence on the development of cooperation between Russia and foreign countries in 2000-2005. It shows the main directions of its activity and the effectiveness of its work, examines the influence of the international connections of Russian regions on its foreign policy.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):42-45

Why are US and EU Policies toward GMOS Different?
The development of genetically modified (GM) agricultural products requires new policies to manage potential food safety and environmental risks. The policy on GM foods by the United States and the European Union are very different. The US has few restrictions on production and trade in GM food products and no costly labeling requirements, whereas the EU has close to a ban on the production and importation of GM foods. This paper seeks to explain why the US and the EU policies are different.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):46-50

Certain Aspects of Structure and Functions of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
The article examines notion, concept and structure of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes as well as certain aspects of its activities. The article emphasizes and describes the main activity of the centre - administration of arbitration proceedings related to international investment disputes, which is a very important element furthering effective cooperation of states in resolution of disputes related to international investment relations.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):51-58

XXI World Congress of International Political Science Association «Global Discontent. Dilemmas of Change»
The article analyses the results of the work of 21th World Congress of International Political Science Association «Global Discontent. Dilemmas of Change» (Santiago, Chile 12 to 16 July 2009). The Congress drew a record 2119 participants, from more than 70 countries. The author describes the main problems and thesis, which were presented during the Santiago`s Congress: globalization, world crisis and global discontent, new world order, forms, quality and practice of democracy and democratization in the different conditions, citizen participation, values and identity, «good government» and «governance», development of political science.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):59-68

Geopolitics and Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union and Russia in the Second Half of the 20th Century

Origins of U.S. Cultural Policy Formation
The history of U.S. domestic cultural policy has a direct impact on the formation of the national mentality and the specifics of internal social relations in the USA nowadays while continuing to define certain features of domestic and foreign policy. Internal cultural presuppositions determine the content of values transmitted abroad.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):79-90

Ethnopolitical Factors in Contemporary Socio-Political Processes at the South of Russia
The article deals with analysis of specific features of North-Caucasian region. This analysis throws light on geopolitical and strategic importance of North-Caucasian region for stability of the Russian state. At the same time it shows contradictory socio-political and interethnic processes and problems that cause negative effects on social and economic situation of Russian society as a whole.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):91-101

The Theory and Practice of Islamism
The article is devoted to the analysis of a general characteristic of political Islam which has got now the big popularity as Islamism. In Islamism the concept jihad as the political slogan and the military-political practice is widely used by the Islamic extremist organizations in Islamic regions. In the article is considered the theoretical heritage of Islamic extremism in the history of political thought. Three waves of Islamism are analyzed: their reasons of occurrence, motive forces and methods of achievement of the purposes. The phenomenon of Islamism is considered as the practical activities which are carried out at local, national, regional, global levels.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):102-109

Migrational Activity as the Indicator of Socio-political Instability
The author points to the global factors of the politico-social circumstances in the countries of origin laden with the economic recession and international armed conflicts. We can retrace objective laws of the main streams' formation of the population's spatial mobility under the influence of external adverse circumstances. The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the administrative structures responsible for decision-making in the sphere of migration control.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):110-118

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(2):119-120