Russia’s Turn to the East: Motivating Factors


Against the background of the Ukrainian crisis, and especially the current RussianUkrainian conflict, Russia’s large-scale promotion of the turn to the East strategy has both internal and external motivations. The return of Eurasian ideas to Russia’s foreign policy forms the ideological basis of Russia’s turn to the East strategy, but in practice, this turn is the intensification of Russia’s development of the Far East and Siberia due to the rapid economic growth of the countries of the Asian-Pacific region. In addition, the fierce confrontation between Russia and the West due to the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis is also an important factor in Russia’s promotion of the strategy of turn to the East to improve its passive position in international politics and increase compensation for losses incurred because of sanctions imposed by Western countries.

About the authors

Dengxue Huang

Shandong University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1306-3038

Deputy Director of Center of Russian and Central Asian Studies, Professor of Institute of Political Science and Public Administration

Qingdao, China

Ying Wang

Shandong University

ORCID iD: 0009-0001-1240-5414

PhD student of Institute of Political Science and Public Administration

Qingdao, China


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Copyright (c) 2024 Huang D., Wang Y.

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