“The Law of the Politics - When Creating Something New, One Should Rely on What Has Been Achieved, Not Diminish the Old”: for the 100th Anniversary of A.M. Kovalev
- Authors: Kovalenko V.I.1, Sobolev V.A.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 2 (2023): Political Science in Search of New Approaches
- Pages: 330-347
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/political-science/article/view/35154
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1438-2023-25-2-330-347
- EDN: https://elibrary.ru/YCVBHC
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The study analyzes the contribution of Alexander Kovalev to science and education, who stood at the origins of political science since its institutionalization in Russia. The contours of his general political and philosophical concept of social development are determined, original approaches to the interpretation of the categories “power” and “politics”, the laws of politics and political activity, and a number of basic concepts of political science are reconstructed. The role of A. Kovalev in substantiating the importance of political science, its structure and its place in the system of social and humanitarian sciences is highlighted. His persistent desire to establish the foundations of politics with the way of production of public life is noted and thereby more fully highlight the ideological and methodological aspects of political science knowledge, to link the philosophy and theory of political science with the variety of its instrumental dimensions. A. Kovalev’s interpretation of the problem of interrelation and interdependence of system-wide and individual needs and interests in public life, natural and spontaneous in the political process, the importance of the moral principle in politics is revealed. The question is raised about his development of the problem of the correlation of natural and social, the dialectics of civilizational and formational in social development, the correlation of innovations and traditions in political life, the scientific responsibility of a political scientist. Particular attention is paid to the qualities of A. Kovalev as an organizer of science, teacher and mentor, who educated many dozens and even hundreds of political scientists who confidently took their place in the formation and development of political science in the country. It is emphasized that the scientific merits of A. Kovalev are inseparable from his highly moral civil position, responsibility for the fate of the Motherland.
About the authors
Valery I. Kovalenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: kovalenko1946@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4430-0377
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Politics, Faculty of Political Science
Moscow, Russian FederationVladimir A. Sobolev
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Email: sobolev@polit.msu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7013-8070
Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Politics, Faculty of Political Science
Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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