THE IDEOLOGY OF GLOBAL HEGEMONY: THE HISTORY OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN POLICY STRATEGIES OF AMERICAN NEOCONSERVATISM BOOK REVIEW: Blokhin K.V. Crusaders of the Cold War. American Neoconservatism: Ideology and Practice of Global Hegemony. Moscow: Ves’ Mir Publishing House; 2016. 176 p

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The monograph of candidate of historical sciences, americanist K.V. Blokhin is a comprehensive analysis of the historical background of emergence and formation of the phenomenon of American neo-conservatism. A distinctive feature of the author's work is its interdisciplinary nature, thanks to which the book will be interesting not only to professional historians, political scientists and specialists in the field of international relations, but also to politicians, as well as political analysts and consultants.

About the authors

Vakhtang Shotovich Surguladze

S.T.C. Analytical group

Author for correspondence.

PhD, S.T.C. Analytical Group Leading Expert

25, bld. 1 Leningrad highway, 125212, Moscow, Russian Federation


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  24. Surguladze V.Sh. Krizis grazhdanskogo samosoznaniya v SShA: ideologiya i strategiya konservativnogo povorota Patrika B`yukenena [The Crisis of Civic Consciousness in the United States: The Ideology and Strategy of the Conservative turn of Patrick Buchanan]. Problemy nacional’noj strategii. 2017; 4 (43): 214—220 (In Russ.).
  25. Surguladze V.Sh. Rossiya v global’noj bor’be za tradicionnye cennosti i identichnost’: amerikanskij vzglyad [Russia in the Global Fight for Traditional Values and Identity: an American View]. Problemy nacional’noj strategii. 2017; 4 (43): 203—209 (In Russ.).
  26. Surguladze V.Sh. Poisk balansa: mirovoj poryadok v kontekste geopolitiki, ideologii i kollektivnoj psixologii [The Search of Balance: World Order in the Context of Geopolitics, Ideology and Collective Psychology]. Problemy nacional’noj strategii. 2016; 1 (34): 241—246 (In Russ.).
  27. Surguladze V.Sh. Zigzagi liberal’noj mysli: SShA na putyax formirovaniya imperskoj identichnosti [Zigzags of Liberal Thought: the US on the Way of Imperial Identity Formation]. Problemy nacional’noj strategii. 2015; 3 (30): 266—273 (In Russ.).
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