An Interpretation of the Topical Social-Ontological Problems within the Russian Ontological Tradition: Review of the Monograph “Contemporary Social Ontology in the Mirror of the Russian Ontological Tradition: Discourses and Interpretations” by Orekhov A.M., Platonova S.V., Maracha V.G. et. al.

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About the authors

Ildar A. Latypov

Udmurt State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6298-7643
SPIN-code: 3811-6430

DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of History, Theory and Practice of Social Communications, Institute of Social Communications

bd. 4, 1, Universitetskaya St., Izhevsk, 426034, Russian Federation


  1. Orekhov AM, Platonova SV, Maracha VG, et. al. Contemporary Social Ontology in the Mirror of the Russian Ontological Tradition: Discourses and Interpretations: Monograph. Orekhov AM, editor. Korolyov: Kosmos publ.; 2024. (In Russian).
  2. Murzinov AV. Abbreviations SPOD, VUCA, BANI plus PDCA и HADI. Sept. 18, 2022. Available from: (accessed: 23.03.2024). (In Russian).
  3. Kemerov VE. Society, sociality, polysubjectivity. Moscow: Fond «Mir» publ.; 2012. (In Russian).

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