Art and Science as a Subject of Aesthetic Epistemology

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The author defines the subject of aesthetic epistemology in the increasingly complex process of a unified meta-system of art, science and technology. Using the concept of “aesthetic epistemology”, the author follows the original premise of aesthetics as a philosophical science in the field of epistemology, discovered by A.G. Baumgarten - the science of sensory cognition, the ability to think beautifully in images, and then enriched by the aesthetic idea of I. Kant, the transcendental ability of aesthetic judgment, requiring entry into creative activity in art and science. The author notes the ambivalence in the views of modern philosophers and physicists on the relationship between art and science, rational and non-logical, logic and intuition, referring to the authority of scientist E.L. Feinberg. At the same time, the idea is emphasized that aesthetic epistemology contributes to the unity of the anthroposocioecological complex meta-system. Attention is drawn to the aesthetic ideal of harmony present in art, science, and technology. Thus, for the musical creativity of modern times, the mathematical complication of sound ratios with the help of modern computer technologies is characteristic, similar to the complication of the dynamics of the development of the whole meta-system of science and art, in which it is important to emphasize the action of the intuitive principle in the aesthetic consciousness of a person. For aesthetic epistemology, the problem of science growing into art is relevant. In modern aesthetics, there is a tendency to reduce the “beautiful” and increase interest in the unusual in art due to new technologies, revealing the secrets of the aesthetic unconscious. Summarizing, the author asserts the idea that aesthetic epistemology determines the forms of modern art and scientific knowledge as a single meta-system and that humanity needs the unity of art, science and technology for the purpose of its existence. This is facilitated by intuition and a deep aesthetic property with the ability of imagination and symbolic thinking. Art and science are rapidly evolving in an increasingly complex integration process aimed at the conscious desire of a person to realize creative ideas based on supersensible, sensual, aesthetic cognition.

About the authors

Galina G. Kolomiets

Orenburg State University

Author for correspondence.
DSc in Philosophy, Honorary Worker of the Sphere of Education of the Russian Federation, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Sociology 13 Pobedy Ave, Orenburg, 460018, Russian Federation


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