The Problem of Cognition in V. Sesemann Philosophy

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The research is devoted to the analysis of the problem of cognition in the work of the 20th century Russian philosopher Vasily Sesemann (1884-1963). A number of circumstances concerning his life and work influenced the fact that to this day his works remain little known. Domestic philosopher spoke several languages; his scientific works were written in Russian, German and Lithuanian. The article provides an detailed overview of Sesemann's main works on epistemological issues; it is substantiated that the problem of cognition in the work of the Russian thinker occupies a highly significant position. An analysis of his approaches to solving epistemological issues, in particular the problem of pure knowledge, allows us to see the strong links between the elements of his philosophical system (epistemology, logic, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of culture). Sesemann's focus on understanding knowledge in general, his critical attitude towards the positivist position on the superiority of natural science methodology is demonstrated by the persistent inclusion of questions about moral, aesthetic and religious cognition in works devoted to epistemological issues. This emphasises not only the key role of epistemology in the system of Sesemann’s philosophy, but also the importance of problems related to the spiritual and moral realm. The foundation of epistemological issues in ontology and the consistency in the application of the anthropological approach in the interpretation of knowledge gives its position depth and creates the unity of the philosophical system. The connection between various areas of philosophy is carried out, among other things, through such cornerstone concepts as: attitude, objective and non-objective, rational and irrational, reflexivity, temporality, consciousness, self-awareness, which are the conceptual framework of Sesemann’s entire philosophy.

About the authors

Julia V. Sokolova

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4884-7185

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology

14 Krasnokazarmennaya St., Moscow, 111250, Russian Federation


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