The Formation of a New Confucianism in the 40s of the XX Century in the Framework of the Discussion of "Westernizers" and Post-Confucians

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The article is devoted to the review of the most significant provisions of philosophical thought in China, starting from the XIX century and up to the 40s of the XX century. The author examines the views of both Western and Chinese intellectuals who have contributed to the formation of the new or modern Confucianism main issues. One of the most important aspect is the influence of historical events that have occurred since the XIX century. For example, the two Opium Wars (1840-1842 and 1856-1860) and the policy of self-isolation pursued by the Manchu court, the Qing dynasty challenged the trade interests of the European colonial powers, and the crushing defeats suffered by China during these wars marked two important phenomena: the conclusion of unequal treaties with the victorious powers and the ruling dynasties discrediting. Such circumstances forced Chinese society to pay attention to the current state of affairs and therefore ask relevant questions, even more urgent from the fact that the results of the Opium Wars changed the usual ideas of the Chinese about their statehood. As a result - China faced a crisis that needs to be overcome (some of the intellectuals in China still try to find the most comprehensive way to effectively overcome it). Gradually, a different perception of the Chinese tradition begins to take shape in the XX century. The author notices a gradual break from blind imitation of Western thought patterns to a further rethinking of the main Chinese philosophy provisions that already proceeding from the established modern discourse and the search for common points of contact in the East-West intercultural dialogue.

About the authors

Varvara I. Chernykh

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
PhD, assistant at history of philosophy department 6, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation


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