The process of integration of digital technologies into the structure of social production and distribution leads to a series of definite trends in capitalist development. These trends are regular and interdependent. The acceleration of information exchange provides an opportunity to replace the Fordism with a thriftier network model, which involves outsourcing and reducing the longevity of contractual obligations and hiring relationships, which leads to the precarization of labor of a certain social group, which can be described as “precariat”. The change in working conditions leads to the change in ways of increasing labor productivity, which is the reason for the emergence of “societies of control” characterized by: distributed power, embedding previously external coercion into the personality, affective engineering, prolongation of the educational process, increasing tempo and rhythm of work, spreading the project as the form of work replacing routine forms, and the emergence of a liquid short-term identity inherent in representatives of the precariat. This article aims to discover and demonstrate the interconnection between these processes. Achieving this goal will open the way to a more thorough separate study of each of these processes in the future but this research will be made from the perspective of their systemic unity. According to the purpose of the article, the structure of work is the following: the first section is devoted to the acceleration of social time, which is connected with the compression of social space and with the change in scale in which commercial and state enterprises can operate. Quick positive feedback, which is provided by the digital network, leads to changes in the infrastructure of enterprises and the transformation of production and logistics models (Section 2). In addition, the acceleration of the feedback between the employee and the employer leads to the precarization of labor (Section 3), which is accompanied by the appearance of “societies of control” (Section 4).