
Call for papers: Special issues in 2026

Posted: 10.09.2024

Special theme of the 1st issue 2026: “The Philosophy of Paul Natorp

Call for papers: Special issues in 2025

Posted: 10.09.2024

Special theme of the 1st issue 2025: “The Philosophy of Paul Natorp
Special theme of the 2nd issue 2025: “Contemporary society and social security
Special theme of the 3rd issue 2025: “Philosophy in Latinamerica
Special theme of the 4th issue 2025: “In Search of a Strategy for Teaching Philosophy: Russian and World Experience

Call for papers: Special issues in 2024

Posted: 12.04.2024

Special issue theme 01/2024: "Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy"
Special issue theme 02/2024: "Kant in Russia"
Special issue theme 03/2024: "Post-Neokantianism"
Special issue theme 04/2024: "Experimental Philosophy"

About the special issue theme of RUDN Journal of Philosophy in PhilEvents

Posted: 12.04.2024

The journal is mentioned in the news section of the PhilEvents of the Institute of Philosophy, University of London with the announcement of a special theme for the fourth issue of 2024: “Experimental Philosophy


Posted: 15.02.2024

RUDN Journal of Philosophy was mentioned in a compilation of current studies of neo-Kantianism

About the special issue theme of RUDN Journal of Philosophy in Germany

Posted: 09.10.2023

The journal is mentioned in the news section of the blog of the Archive Library of Post-Neo-Kantianism and Contemporary Critical Idealism with the announcement of a special theme for the third issue of 2024: “Post-Neo-Kantianism”

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